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Nikki's Diary:

I know that tomorrow is my  birthday, but today was VERY eventful.


Because today was the big day. It's Showtime!

We decided to hit the hay early last night and slept at an earlier time, little did we know that we hadn't practiced at all. And the last time we performed as a band was during the skiing event/release signing/Kissing booth.

But I have faith in my bandmates. I know that we can pull this off.....


At breakfast it didn't go down well with everyone.

CHLOE: "Don't worry, it's only I don't know......50,000 PEOPLE!"

THEO: "B-B-But we're only familiar with performing in front of crowds of 100!"

MARCUS: "This is unlike anything I've ever experienced..."

ZOEY: "This crowd were originally expecting The Bad Boyz, but their ticket plans were changed."

NIKKI: "Expectations are high if we have to match a performance as good as a worldwide famous band like The Bad Boyz."

BRANDON: "Come on guys, The Bad Boyz fans must have had the option to refund their tickets. But when they heard that our band would perform instead, they must have been interested."

ANDRE: "He's right you know. Your band is a big draw and it's a privilege to perform alongside you."

CHLOE: "Uhhhh..."

ZOEY: "Brandon, who is this guy?"

BRANDON: "Why are you asking me?"

NIKKI: "It's okay, I can explain. This is Andre, he's going to be our replacement keyboard player at the show tonight."

CHLOE: "That's umm..."

ZOEY: "N-No problem."

NIKKI: "Girls, your jaws are dropped."

CHLOE & ZOEY: "Shut up!"

After introductions, Andre made a great temporary replacement because if felt like after talking to him we knew him for a long time.

The true question is, does he play the keyboard as well as he looks?

The answer was obviously YES!

Because during our pre-concert band rehearsal, we hadn't lost a step. And Andre is a great replacement for Violet (TEMPORARY Replacement, we could never replace Violet.)

We were hyped up during this rehearsal, but as the event drew nearer, everyone began to become quiet. Including me... I mean, it's understandable to be nervous when we're about to perform in front of thousands of people.

THEO: "I'm freaking out... I'm only used to performing at birthday parties and in talent shows. I can't face a crowd that big!"

MARCUS: "Dude, everything's going to be fine. I think... And wasn't our dream always to perform in front of a crowd like this?"

ZOEY: "Marcus is right Theo, we can do this. Just know that whatever happens out there... I've got your back."

CHLOE: "Yeah! Cmon, let's turn those frowns upside down!"

Something that began to make me nervous was the fact that Brandon was beginning to get stage fright.

BRANDON: "Nikki...Can I talk to you for a second?"

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