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Brandon's Journal:

Besides the constant worrying about Mackenzie Hollister trying to exact her revenge on Nikki, this is a pretty good vacation.

Every day that we have been a couple has been amazing, and I can't wait to create even more memories with her.

Unfortunately today wasn't a day to do that since she wanted to hang out with Chloe and Zoey. I have no problem with that and I don't want to seem too clingy. Mark and Theo wanted to check out some sci-fi expo today but there were only two tickets available, I told them to go on without me since sci-fi stuff is their sort of thing and not mine.

Since Nikki, Chloe, Zoey, Mark and Theo were gone, that left me with...

MAXWELL: "Well, I guess it can't be helped. The others are busy and that just leaves us for today Roberts."

BRANDON: "I guess it does..."

MAXWELL: "Come, lets go get some gelato."

BRANDON: "Gelato?"

MAXWELL: "Or Ice cream. It's an Italian expression."

BRANDON: "Are you...?"

MAXWELL: "Italian-American? Yes."

We decided to take it easy for today and just get some Haagen Das ice cream. Or...Gelato? I think he called it.

MAXWELL: "So, Roberts. Please tell me, how are things between you and Nikki."

BRANDON: "They're pretty good, thanks."

MAXWELL: "You look like you're anticipating something."

BRANDON: "What? N-No I'm fine..."

MAXWELL: "I'm guessing that you're worried about Mackenzie taking her revenge on Nikki."

BRANDON: "Huh? How did you know that?"

MAXWELL: "I'm psychic. Just kidding, I assumed that since she's here at Miami Beach."

BRANDON: "You're correct, after she failed to expose Nikki's secret at the dance... she must be angrier than ever."

MAXWELL: "You're welcome."

BRANDON: "What for?"

MAXWELL: "I swapped her flash drive with a different one. She may have blackmailed me, but I was going to ensure that she upheld her side of the bargain. A deal, is a deal."

BRANDON: "So, that was you."

I realized that the blonde hair dye image was beginning to make sense.

MAXWELL: "It was, although I wish that she hadn't humbled me into submission, into doing her bidding. My apologies for what she did to you Roberts."

BRANDON: "That's okay, me and Nikki are together because you let her choose. You could have been selfish and called security on me, but you didn't. You let Nikki make her own decision. And... I should be apologizing for punching you in the face."

MAXWELL: "Nope that's fine, I knew that I took things too far some people do have trigger words and I'm the one who is sorry."

BRANDON: "No, I'm sorry."

MAXWELL: "I was sorry first."

BRANDON: "Well, I'm even more sorry."

MAXWELL: "My apology extends tbroughout the entire Northern Hemisphere!"

BRANDON: "Well, My apology is as big as the ever expanding universe!"

MAXWELL: "Really Roberts?!"

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