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Nikki's Diary:


Brandon's Journal:


Maxwell's Journal:


A/N: Okay fine... If nobody is going to write in their diaries I'm going to have to explain it with a narrative focusing on the event as a whole rather than from someone's point of view.

Narrative Diary:

It was Sunday July 6th, the final day of the vacation to Miami beach. The vacation was a fun-filled two weeks. Memories were made that would last their lifetimes.

Since it was the final day, the group of friends decided to spend one last day relaxing on the beach before their return to city life the next day.

Nikki decided to ask Chloe and Zoey to meet her outside the hotel that night for she wanted to show them something that meant a lot to her.

ZOEY: "What is it that you want to show us Nikki?"

CHLOE: "Yeah, what's the big deal?"

NIKKI: "You'll see when we get there, follow me guys."

Nikki enthusiastically walked on ahead of them.

After a short walk they finally reached their destination. The end of the South Pointe Pier.

CHLOE: "This is what you wanted to show us it's just a plain old pier... OW!"

Chloe said as she received a kick to her shin from Zoey.

ZOEY: "Nikki this is a wonderful place, right Chloe?"

CHLOE: "Whatever, just don't kick me again..."

NIKKI: "Guys I know that this is an ordinary pier, but this is a place that means a lot to me. One year ago I received the news that my Dad got a promotion and that my family was moving to Westchester. I didn't know what to do, I knew that I had zero personality, zero charisma and zero style. I feared the worse that when I finally started in September at a private school I would have no chance in hell of fitting in. I didn't want to leave my friends or my school behind, I only wanted to stay in Miami. But I knew that there was no way that I could do that... So, the night before I moved to Westchester I decided to sneak out. I ran all the way from home to this very pier since it has been a staple of my childhood memories. I gazed out into the clear blue ocean with the moon's perfect reflection shining brightly. And that's when I saw it, a shooting star. I knew it was a sign and I wished upon that star for the chance to fit in at my new school, a chance to make friends, a chance to find hope. And at first I didn't find it, all that I found was more despair due to Mackenzie and that I was practically invisible to the whole world. But that was until I met you guys... You guys gave me the hope that I needed to carry on at Westchester Country Day and to not let someone like Mackenzie Hollister beat me. You guys... No not just you guys but EVERYONE. Brandon, Maxwell, Theo, Marcus, Violet, Marcy. You all granted my wish and I can't be more grateful."

Tears started to flood her eyes.

ZOEY: "Nikki... You mean so much to us."

Zoey said as she also started to flood her eyes with tears.

CHLOE: "That was.. amazing. We're grateful for you too Nikki."

Chloe said as she also started to get emotional.

The three BFFs finally burst into tears and embraced in a group hug.

But little did they know...

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