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Nikki's Diary:

Okay so I guess today was a little better, but I'm constantly paranoid about the fact that Mackenzie could show up at any time and ruin any moment between Brandon and me.

I just hope that she doesn't have any schemes to break us up. But it's not like Brandon would believe anything that she says, right?

Besides, what are the odds that I will even see her again while I'm on vacation?

But enough about yesterday, it's time to talk about today.

During breakfast me and my friends talked about entering Trevor Chase's WCD Singing Contest.

CHLOE: "$50,000?!"

ZOEY: "We cannot pass this up, we must enter this contest guys."

THEO: "Just think of thr guitars we could buy Marcus!"

MARCUS: "Bro, we are going to look so cool if we win."

It's official. 'Actually I'm Not Really Sure Yet' will enter Trevor Chase's singing contest.

Not only are we planning to enter it, but we're planning to win it all!

MAXWELL: "An all WCD singing contest, $50,000 prize? Interesting..."

NIKKI: "Maxwell, are you thinking about entering too?"

MAXWELL: "Considering that I'm not a member of yout band, enteting would make us rivals. Although, I cannot pass up this opportunity. I'm in."

BRANDON: "Cool dude, I wish you luck."

MAXWELL: "Thanks Roberts, I'm going to need it when I'm facing a singer as good as Nikki. Feelings mutual by the way."

CHLOE: "I'm really excited, I can't stop thinking about performing in front of a worldwide audience, as a band!"

MARCUS: "Welp, we gotta perform in Florida first."

ZOEY: "And we're against WCD students in our grade, and our band has only gotten better since the talent show. Nobody else stands a chance against us."


ZOEY: "Whoops sorry."

MAXWELL: "It's okay, I'm not much of a talented singer anyway. Opera can only get you so far... I'm more of an artist than a showman."

NIKKI: "Wait a minute. So this contest is for WCD students only, yet Maxwell's exchange program has expired. Are you sure they will let you compete?"

MAXWELL: "Don't worry, I think you'll find that I'm more than officially qualified to enter."

That's when the realization hit me like a sack of bricks.

NIKKI: "Did...Did you?"

MAXWELL: "Surprise. Yours truly is officially going to be a WCD High School Scholarship Student this September."

NIKKI: "OMG! I'm so happy for you!"

BRANDON: "Congratulations Maxwell, it looks like we're all going to the same high school."

After breakfast we decided to go to the hotel's outdoor pool. Which sucks for me since I cant swim! (Unless I was being chased by some scuba flip- I mean shark!)

Everyone was having fun playing with a beach ball, but I decided to just lay back on a chair with sunglasses and relax. That was until...

BOY: "Excuse me mademoiselle, but is your name Nikki Maxwell?"

NIKKI: "Yes, as a matter of fact it is. Why?"

I said whilst still laying back. Is this what a real celebrity has to go through? I need to get used to being noticed.

BOY: "I saw that video of WCD students singing, I never knew that place had so much talent. I remember going there during the student exchange program, I thought that school wasn't all that exciting but you've proven me wrong."

NIKKI: "Um, thanks I guess."

BOY: "You're quite the local celebrity in our town. I'm a former student of Northampton Hills, but I realized that WCD High School will be the place to go."

NIKKI: "That's cool."

BOY: "You also made an impact at our school during your time there. You wouldn't happen to be partaking in the Paris exchange program would you?"

NIKKI: "I sure am, now who are you and why are you asking me thi- whoa."

I sat up and I saw a gorgeous looking guy in front of me.

BOY: "I'm asking you this because I am also partaking in the exchange program. I'm an artist just like you. Oh, where are my manners. My name is Andre Davenport, it's a pleasure to meet you."

NIKKI: "Nice to meet you Andre Daven- Wait a minute, I've heard that last name before... You wouldn't happen to be related to Tiffany Blaine Davenport would you?"

ANDRE: "Her, oh please don't put me in the same boat as her. She's my step-sister. It's bad that people compare me to her since we are nothing alike one another."

NIKKI: "Believe me, I know how you feel. I saw the nutcracker ballet and my little sister wouldn't stop talking, everyone around me started giving ME bad looks instead of her."

ANDRE: "It seems like we share the same problems. If you don't mind me asking, are you entering Trevor Chase's singing contest?"

NIKKI: "I am, but it's for WCD students only sorry."

ANDRE: "Interesting, but I myself will be entering this contest. For I am officially transfering to Westchester High."

NIKKI: " That's cool, mayve I'll see you around sometime Andre and I also hope to see you in Paris."

ANDRE: "You too Nikki. Au revoir. But one last thing before I depart. Mr. Chase made the arrangements, I will be steping in as your temporary keyboard player."

NIKKI: "Nice one, I can't wait to see what you got."

What a nice guy, well not as nice as Brandon ♥ but still nice anyway.

Then a thought suddenly came to me, if Mackenzie isn't our replacement...

...THEN WHY IS SHE HERE?!?!?!?!?!

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