Travel to Japan

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-Emma Caraway-

-so, this term would be a lot harder, specially because of the teachers, seriously is there any place of grumpy old fashioned people where they hires professors?- Daniel say. I laughed. I have to admit, he is really funny.
-well I guess, or else we would think the class would be priceless and simply won't give the best-.
-you got a point-.
Suddenly I see Barry running into me.
-hi Emma- he turned into Daniel and bluff.
-what are you doing with her- he asked.
-chill dude, we just had class together, that's all- say making himself innocent.
-you better do, anyway, Emma, I was thinking maybe we can hang out later, what do you think?- he ask.
-that would be great Barry- I say friendly giving him a sweet smile. He blush. OMG! I can't tell how much I love Barry, he's just too cute for human race!
-ok cool, see you!- he ran happy. That's sooooo cute!
-wow, that friend of yours seems you are the first person who actually talked to him- whispers.
-I guess so, he needed a friend that could defend him from people like ajem ajem you- I say.
-hey, I changed!- he put his hands on the air making himself again the innocent.
-all right then, I have geography class- I say -see you!-.
-huh? Oh yeah, bye- he gives me a little kiss on the cheek.
-how sweet! Don't ever do that again, got it- I say.
-yes ma'am- he say and I start walking to my class. When I enter to classroom B12 I could see I'll share this class with.... Mick. Cool, I get to know him better. I know what you are thinking and no, I don't like him, I just find awesome the fact he loves music as much as I do so it would be nice to be friends who shares a common denominator. He see me and greet. I greet back getting closer.
-hey! Can I seat?- I ask.
-sure- he say. Then the teacher arrive. He doesn't really seem so bad, I meet Mrs. Cameron look worse, he look.... Presentable.
-hey students! Am professor Dauglas, but please call me Doug, I want you to see me as a friend and not as a superior-.
Amazing! Someone who really know to do first impressions since I arrive. Well, apart from Lana.
-this term we are going to study Japan, why? Because I love Japan! I don't know if you what Otaku means- everyone mood no.
-well, it's someone fan from anime, manga and video games and all that stuff comes from Japan, so today what I'll do is showing some images from Japan and then you'll close your eyes and imagine being there ok- everyone mood yes. A-ok then, let's start-. Ask soon as he starts playing the pictures I get fascinated, Japan is AWESOME! Then he tell us to close our eyes. As soon as I close them I imagine myself being there, so cooool! Suddenly I feel someone touching me, was Mick.
-hey, you can open your eyes now Blondie, the activity has already finish- he laughs.
-oh, sorry, I just think Japan is great, I wish some day I could travel- I say.
-don't worry, I bet one day, you would- I smile at him while the class continues.

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