Chapter 3

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Exams were now over, and Lloyd could take it easy for a while. Most kids now had sports to worry about, but not Lloyd. Its not like they'd let him on the team anyway.

Lloyd was onboard the Destiny's Bounty, Master Wu's famous flying boat. No one but Master Wu himself knew how it was able to fly. It just...did.

This particular morning, Lloyd was clad in his full Green Ninja outfit, training against his teammate Cole on the deck of the ship.

Lloyd swung a swift kick towards his teammate, almost knocking Cole back. The Earth Ninja raised his bushy eyebrows from beneath his ninja hood, and sent a strong punch towards Lloyd. His movements may have been a bit slower than his green-clad friend's, but they packed much more power. This was Cole's preferred style. Strong and aggressive, even if that meant sacrificicing a bit of speed for strength.

Lloyd was able to quickly block Cole's punch with his own hand, then attempted to twist Cole's arm behind his back, which failed. Cole used the moment to grab Lloyd's leg and throw him on the ground, and the Green Ninja let out a groan as he hit the floor.

Cole sent another punch, which Lloyd narrowly avoided by rolling out of the way, then pushing against the ground with his left hand to propel himself towards Cole, gaining a hit on the Earth Ninja.

Cole stumbled back for a second, before charging at Lloyd with a long series of strong punches. Lloyd managed to block the first few, then dodge the last of them.

"Enough, students!" A old but wise voice commanded from the rudder of the ship. Master Wu's beard flowed in the morning air, and he held his walking stick in hand, as always. He didn't actually need it to walk, but it sure made him look cool.

"Yes, Master," the two ninja responded in unison, bowing their heads in respect. At this point, the other four ninja had gathered around as well.

"Today is a very special day for my family, and for Lloyd's. It is my brother Garmadon's birthday, and as much as he aggrivates me, he is still family."

"My dad's birthday?" Lloyd muttered. "What does that matter?"

Wu continued, "I want you all to respect him, even if he is your arch-nemesis. Today is one day of the year that he has to himself, and I wish for you all to go with me to his Super Secret Volcano Lair to give him our best birthday wishes."

"Are you serious?" Nya scoffed. "He's called the 'Worst Guy Ever' for a reason. Why should we celebrate his birthday, much less go to his 'house' to say happy birthday to him?"

"I agree with my sis," Kai added. "Garmadon tries to take over Ninjago almost every other day."

"What do you think, Lloyd?" Jay asked.

Lloyd just stared at the floor before sighing. "Fine."

Wu chuckled, raising his staff in the air. "We shall venture forth then!"

Nya pumped her fist in the air. "Yes! We can skip school!"

"...after school!" Wu finished, earning some groans from the ninja.

Zane popped up out of nowhere. "That sucks."


Lloyd placed his books in his locker, taking one last look at the photo he taped inside. It was of him and his mom when he was only a baby, shortly after Garmadon left them. Lloyd frowned, shutting the locker closed.

As he turned around, he groaned as he spotted Chen and his cheerleading squad strutting down the hallway. He didn't want to have to deal with this right now.

Too late.

Chen spotted Lloyd quickly, and smirked. "Hey, if it isn't the son of Garmadon!" His cheerleading buddies snickered behind him, and he continued. "We have a new cheer for you! Wanna hear it?"

Lloyd groaned. "When do you guys not have a new cheer?"

Chen and his cheerleaders began waving their pompoms and doing different moves.

"Give me an L!"


"Give me an O!'


"Give me an S!"


"Give me an E!"


"Give me an R!"


"What does that spell?"

"Lloyd Garmadon!"

Lloyd resisted the urge to facepalm.

Before Chen could add another remark, the bell rang, and everyone rushed to class, including Lloyd.

As he sat down at his desk, Lloyd noticed Claire sitting a few rows in front and to the left of him. She had her long red hair flowing behind her, and her blue eyes shined in the room. Lloyd felt his features slowly form a smile.

Gene sat right behind Lloyd, and the bully was still salty about the punch Lloyd gave him a while back. Because he told the other students, that caused even more tension on Lloyd.

Gene shot Lloyd a cold glare before sitting down at his desk, but his eyes never shifted off of the son of Garmadon.

Lloyd forced himself to smile at Gene, before turning his attention back to the front of the class.

Miss Take entered the classroom, having her tea in hand, as always. She set down the individual tea samples on her desk, and stood to face the class.

"Good morning, class. I'm sure you all rested well and studied hard for for you eight-page Science test today."

Multiple groans echoed throughout the room, and Lloyd had to groan as well. His ninja training had really started getting in the way of his studying lately.

As Miss Take handed out the tests, Lloyd took another glance at Claire. She seemed...relaxed. She was calm and smiling lightly, as if she were ready to own this test.

Lucky. I bet she doesn't have a secret life that gets in the way of her studying.

"Lloyd!" Miss Take yelled sharply, inches from his face.

Lloyd gulped. "Y-yes, Miss Take?"

She sighed for a moment and stared blankly at Lloyd. "What are you going to do?"

"Um...take the test?"

"Taking a test? Never heard of it!" Miss Take chuckled. "Now, what I have heard of is getting a good grade and being a good sport if you don't. Let's start working on that."

"Oooh!" Some of the students jeered. "Roasted..."

"Enough! Begin the test!"

Lloyd felt sweat drip down his forehead, staring down at the test. 8 pages, 95 questions...he was going to die.

Conveniently, a loud thump gave confirmation that the "Worst Guy Ever" was back on a rampage for Ninjago...again. Guess they wouldn't have to go say happy birthday themselves, he was coming to them.

As everyone began panicking, Lloyd smirked and resisted chuckling. Running out of the room and unzipping his jacket, he revealed his ninja gi underneath.

Anything beats taking that test, especially an opportunity to take down Garmadon.

"It's hero time."

Wow, I wrote this in like two days because I got bored and thought "Hey, why not make another chapter of my story?" So I did. I actually really like where this story is going, and I have a ton of motivation to continue it for a while. Who knows how many chapters this could have one day!

Blessings Come in Many Forms - A Ninjago Lloyd X Claire FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now