Chapter 7

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Claire loved keeping secrets, especially among friends. At her old school, she and her friends would often whisper amongst each other who their current crushes were at the moment, and such. Claire never had a huge thing for boys, but she had found interest in a few crushes during her high school years. Nothing large or obsessive, they just seemed to stand out from other guys, in more ways than one. Not that it mattered, because she never expected them to take interest in her.

After she moved to Ninjago City, and changed schools, she no longer had girls to gossip amongst, no acquaintances to share secrets with. And, thank God, no more boy troubles.

None of the guys at Ninjago City High really stood out to her like some of the students at her old school. They were nice, sure, but a lot of them were very rude and even bordering the lines of a bully when it came to a certain blonde.

Claire couldn't help but feel a smile play at her lips as she walked to the bus stop.

Lloyd Garmadon.

She hadn't realized how much she liked the name before now. Was there a reason she liked it? Not that she could come up with.

You like him.

Something in her head spoke softly in her ear, causing the ginger to almost freeze to a stop as her piercing blue eyes became like saucers.

No, I don't. That's ridiculous. I barely know him.

You don't have to know him to have a crush on him.

I told you, I don't have a crush on him. He's just a friend who just so happens to be the...Green Ninja...

Claire sighed as memories of the past few days flooded her brain. She had found out the identities of all six of the ninja, and was tasked with keeping it a secret from the world.

She knew Lloyd looked fit, but wow he must work out pretty well to do all those flips.

Before she knew it, the voice was back again.

See? You do like him. You could have admired any one of the ninja, but you chose Lloyd.

Shut up. He would never like me back anyway.

Even if that is true, did one little crush ever hurt?

Claire stood silent as she pondered the question. She had to admit, Lloyd definitely stood out from the other guys at school, in many more ways than one. Whatever, if a kindergartner can have a "crush" why can't a highschool girl?

I guess one little crush couldn't hurt...

By now, Claire had reached the bus stop, and she could faintly see the bright yellow vehicle nearing the stop.

She didn't have time to worry about crushes anyway, she needed to focus on getting good grades and obtaining a job.

If only it were that easy.

Meanwhile, in another realm far from Ninjago...

Fenwick had finally been reaccepted back to Cloud Kingdom where the other Writers desperately needed his help.

In a freak accident a few months ago with the Scrolls of Infinity, two universes had been merged into one, with both taking toll.

"Its catastrophic," Nobu said one day. "They could soon merge together so closely that both universes could destroy themselves from the inside out. What do we do?"

Blessings Come in Many Forms - A Ninjago Lloyd X Claire FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now