Chapter 9

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3 months after events of previous chapter...

(Lloyd's POV)

"So...are you going to enter the swimming contest at school, honey?" Mom asks me from the other end of the dinner table as I use my fork to fiddle around with my food.

"I don't know, Mom..." I sigh. "It's a tag team match, so I need a partner. Kai and Nya are already teaming up, and so are Jay and Cole. And Zane refuses to swim for...reasons."

Mom looks at me sadly, placing her hand on the table. "Are you sure you have no other friends at school who can team with you?"

My mind drifts off to Claire, the girl who had become such a close friend to me in a meet matter of months. Unfortunately, we hadn't talked much the past few days, because she was doing something important after school for her dad...or at least, that's what she told me.

"Well, there is the one girl..." I begin, and not even a moment after, I regret saying that last word.

"A girl?" Mom asks inquisitively, almost instantly. She doesn't look mad, but is obviously rather surprised. "How long have you and this...girl, been seeing each other?"

I almost spit out the water I was drinking from my cup, and my hands grip the edge of the table. "That's...not how I would put it, mom. We're just friends."

"Oh, I'm sure!" Mom agrees, nodding her head. "I just am surprised. You never seemed to hang out it with any girls other than Nya."

"Well, when you're the most hated kid in school, that usually means that girls at school hate my guts." I fake a laugh, but I can tell by Mom's expression that she knows more than I maybe thought she did.

"Oh sweetie, I'm sorry school hasn't been going well...which reminds me. I have some news for you." Mom smiles lightly at me, and I nod to give her permission to continue. "I have been thinking. Maybe we could try something new next semester."

"What do you mean?" I raise a brow.

"Lloyd...I'm thinking that we should try homeschooling next year. Now, listen, I know you wouldn't want to leave your friends, but it doesn't have to be for forever! Just...trying something new." Mom looks at me kindly.


I never thought of that.

But...would I even see the team outside of missions? Would I ever see Claire again?

Yeah, its true, I have a small crush on Claire. But can you blame me? She's just about the sweetest girl I've ever met. Sure, I haven't gotten on the good side of many other girls, but still! Sometimes I feel like she's one of the brightest lights in my gloomy life.

"Let me think about it, mom..." I start, just as my phone begins to vibrate. I pull it out of my pocket and notice that I have a text message.


I open the texts, and quickly scan over the message.

Hey! What's up? I have something really important to tell you. Can you meet at my house in an hour?

I reply back quickly, ignoring Mom's risen brow as she watches my fingers move across the screen of my phone.

Maybe. Why so late?

After a few moments, she texts back.

Its complicated. Just hurry.

Alright, if your highness wishes.

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