Chapter 5

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Lloyd was beginning to develop mixed feelings towards this girl. He had met her at school several times before, sure, but neverwhile in ninja form. And Claire Jesper loved ninja. On the way to Doomsday Comix, she kept talking on and on about all that she had studied and learned about ninja, and how she was sometimes mocked by guys in school for being a girl interested in those type of things. But she didn't care, really. This intrigued Lloyd.

As he landed the Mech Dragon outside the comic book store, Lloyd attempted to mask his voice as much as possible, if anything to prevent Claire from growing suspicions of who he was. "I'm dropping you off here. Stay safe and stay in school." He spoke kinda monotonously, but could you blame him? He was really late for saving the city.

Claire waved as the mechanical beast flew off, with the Green Ninja piloting towards the battle. Then she muttered, "Now how do I get home from here?"

As Lloyd flew into action, his team cheered him on as they took down more and more shark army thugs left and right.

"Alright, guys!" Lloyd exclaimed over the radio. "I'm going for Garmadon! Get me an open window as soon as possible!"

"Ten-four, Lloyd!" Kai replied as he burned up a few Manta Ray Bombers in Lloyd's path. "We got you all the way, right guys?"

"You know it," Cole spoke confidently as his mech rolled down the streets, smashing several Crab Mechs with its huge metal fists.

"Alright," Lloyd said as he fired a few missiles at more Manta Ray Bombers. "Jay, you and me have the high ground. Use your lightning to clear a straight line right to Garmadon's Shark Mech."

"On it, good buddy!" Jay exclaimed as he flew right past Lloyd. He charged the conductor on the back of the jet, and it burst to life with blinding light and electricity. He concentrated the energy directly in front of him, and fired. The lightning obliterated all the enemy ships in his path. "Shocking, I know."

"Thanks, Jay!" Lloyd exclaimed as his Mech Dragon flew right past Jay. With Garmadon in sight, Lloyd fired a pair of missiles at Garmadon, causing a large explosion and a ton of damage to Garmadon's mech.

"AHHHHHH!" Lloyd could hear his father yell amongst all the other noises of the battle. "Why do you keep doing that?"

Lloyd landed the dragon right in front of Garmadon. "For the fifth time this week, you're beaten, Garmadon!"

"Fifth? I feel like its only been four times this week," Garmadon scoffed.

"No, remember that ballet you disrupted last Monday?"

"Oh, come on, man! Who even does ballet anymore?"

"Who even wears oversized helmets anymore?"

"OOOH!" a few of Lloyd's teammates exclaimed. "Solid burn."

Garmadon faked a sad expression. "I like my helmet..."

"I don't have time for this..." Lloyd facepalmed.

"Just take him down, Lloyd!" Nya exclaimed.

"He is open," Zane added.

Lloyd nodded, noticing a large structure on the ground. It was a huge metal cupcake that had fallen off the sweet shop on the street. Before Garmadon could react, Lloyd swooped down, grabbed the cupcake in the mech dragon's claws, and threw it at Garmadon. This action pushed Garmadon's mech back onto the beach, just before the cupcake fell on top of the cockpit.

"Happy Birthday, cupcake!" Kai exclaimed, and the six ninja all shared a laugh, or rather Kai, Lloyd, Jay, Cole, and Nya did, while Zane did what he normally did in a humorous situation.


As the ninja flew, swam, ran, and drove away, Garmadon's forces retreated over the ocean, and Garmadon scowled. "Next time, ninja. Next time for sure." Then the Shark Mech backed into the water.

"Great job, guys!" Lloyd exclaimed as the ninja parked their vehicles back in the base. "I feel like that was our best all week!"

"Yeah, and we got to wish old Grumpy a happy birthday, just like Master Wu said." Nya added.

"Very good, students," Wu spoke as he walked over with his staff in hand. "You fought hard today, and followed my direct orders. But, Lloyd, I don't recall seeing you during the first half of the battle. Where were you?"

"Yeah, Lloyd, where have you been?" Kai asked, and Lloyd suddenly felt all eyes on him.

"Uh..." Lloyd fiddled with his fingers. "I kinda lost my keys..."

"Again?" Cole almost chuckled. "That's like the second time this month, dude."

"And?" Wu asked, sensing that there was more to the story.

Lloyd gulped. "And there was...uh, there was a..."

"A what?" Jay asked.

Lloyd sighed. "A girl from school got in here through my locker." He held his head low, not daring to look up at his team's expressions.

Wu held back the urge to yell. "You let someone into our secret base?" He asked strictly. "What in the world possessed you to do such a thing?"

Lloyd held up his hands in defense. "I didn't let her in here, she got in herself. She apparently found my locker open and fell down the chute. I found her on my mech dragon, and I eventually dropped her off at Doomsday Comix after she explained everything." He sighed. "I'm sorry, Uncle Wu."

"But everything's gonna be find now, right?" Kai spoke.

Wu sighed. "Wrong. If she has seen our base, she might tell others, and will blow our cover. The world will know who you are, and I will be forced to stop teaching you."

Cole cocked his head to the side a bit. "Would that really be so bad?" He asked. "Not the 'you no longer teaching us' part, but would it be so bad for the world to know who we are?"

"Yes," Wu said as he adjusted his rice hat. "You wear your masks so that the fame and paparazzi doesn't affect your ability to protect Ninjago."


Wu sighed. "Lloyd, since you started this mess, you will find this girl tomorrow and bring her back here so I can straighten out this mess."

Lloyd nodded and bowed in respect. "Yes, Master Wu."

As he left towards his apartment, Lloyd spoke in his head, "Guess we will definitely be seeing each other more often, Claire."

That's a wrap! Once again, thanks so much to everyone who has supported this story!

Until the next chapter,


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