Chapter 8

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Claire twirled her finger around a strand of her long red hair as she spoke clearly over the line. She held her cell phone close to her ear as she engaged in conversation with the caller on the other end of the line.

"Yes, Mom, I'm getting good grades," Claire said with a sigh. She looked around her bedroom in the new apartment. The walls were mostly bare, and she still had to unpack some of her things. "Great grades, actually. I'm really settling well here."

"Have you made any new friends at your new school?"

Claire smiled as her mind wandered to Lloyd and the others. "Yeah, several. They're a really cool bunch, and very nice, too."

"I'm glad to hear that, honey. I wish I could be with you right now, but you know how work is..."

"Yeah, I know..." Claire muttered sadly, her hand slightly twitching beside her. "You aren't home much. You haven't even seen the new apartment in person yet."

"I know, dear, and I'm very sorry. I'll try my hardest to make it down for Christmas to see you and your father. Does that sound good?"

Claire gave a light smile. "Yeah, real great."

There was an awkward silence over the line for a moment, before her mother broke the silence.

"Met anyone special yet?"

Claire's eyes widened. "What?"

"You know what I mean, silly. Someone you are fond of, maybe interested in?"

"No!" Claire blurted, then paused. "Well, actually..."

"Ha! I knew it!"


"I'm only teasing, dear. Well, I gotta go. I have a big business meeting to get to in Astor City, but it was nice talking to you honey! Good luck in school, and don't be afraid to pick up a date or two!"

"Mom!" Claire said half-annoyed, but noticed her mother had hung up.

Letting out a small noise of frustration, Claire set to work at unpacking the several boxes of belongings that she had set in the corner of her room.

As she dug through boxes, she stopped as she picked out a small photo from the box. It was slightly tattered and worn, but sure enough there was a 4-year-old Claire on the swings, with her mother laughing behind her as she pushed her daughter.

Those were the days when Mom used to stay home, Claire thought to herself as she frowned. She felt an emptiness inside as memories of holidays and birthdays spent without her mother flooded her brain. Why did work have to keep families apart so long?

Work. Claire hated the word.

As the cool winter breeze swept into the room, Claire was snapped into reality, realizing that her window was still open just a bit. She walked over to close it, before noticing a small piece of paper sticking out of the windowsill.

She hesitated before grabbing it and reading the writing across it.

If you wanna do something as friends, meet me at Ninjago City Harbor at 6:30 PM tonight.

Don't be late


Claire felt herself smile as she looked away from the note.

Awww, he signs letters as 'LG'.

Claire cocked her head.

Wait, why should I care? Its not like I find it cute or anything. Did he sign it that way just for me? Or does he normally sign stuff like that? I wonder what he wants to do tonight...

Blessings Come in Many Forms - A Ninjago Lloyd X Claire FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now