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It's not easy
Moving on from
Something you held
So close, held
So dear, physically
Painful making it
Impossible to breath

Change, a five
Letter word that
Holds so much
Meaning, a word
People tend to
Shy away from
When it pertains
To changing one's

A five letter
Word that I
Envy I wish
It were as
Easy as breathing
To change even
The slightest detail
One small piece
Of the puzzle

Change is turning
18 and leaving
Home, change is
Falling in love
For the 3rd
Time in your
Life praying to
God it ends

In forever, change
Is being completely
Terrified, but finding
Courage to open
Yourself up completely

Change is moving
To a new
Place and willing
Yourself to start
Over, change is
Everlasting faith

Change is a
Breath of fresh
Air, change is
Being able to
See clearly for
The very first

Change is mind numbing
Change is the
First step to
A whole new
Point of view
Change is mind opening

Change is settling down
With someone you
Love endlessly
Change makes the
World spin round
Change is everything

Change is not
Just a five
Letter word on
A page, change
Is life, change
Is free

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