Surrounded by happy,
Smiling faces when
You feel sad, defeated
Is the hardest part
You promised to
Love someone forever
And when it
Doesn't work outThey leave you
Feeling broken, your
Feet are on
Solid ground, but
You feel like
You're falling, drowningYou are left
To pick up
The shattered pieces
Forced to move
On and let
Go of someone
You once held
So tightlyHow can someone
That promised you
The world, change
Their mind and
Leave you standing
Alone in the
Rain?You feel like
the weight of
The world is
Sitting on your
Shoulders, to have
Your heart broken
When it's been
Battered and bruised
Isn't the best
Feeling in the
WorldHeavy, a heavy
Cloud hangs above
Your head once
Again, your fragile
Heart is brokenHeavy is all
You feel, a
Feeling you have
Been accustomed toThat's the worst
Part about it
An Abundance Of Short Stories & A Handful Of Poems
Short StoryJust some poems and Short stories that I have written over the last year or so.