How do they
See something I
Cannot? How do
They know what
The see is
Real? How do
They read the
Signs better than
I?Is it because
I have lost
Hope? Is it
Because I refuse
To believe someone
Like him could
Love a girl
Like me?A girl who
Has been broken,
Battered, and bruised
A girl who
Lost everything inOne day
A girl who
Gives too much
Yet receives so
Little in returnBelieve means so
Much yet nothing
At all, Believe
Who knew a
7 letter wordCould mean so
Much to one
Person who has
Never had much
Belief in many
ThingsBelieve in love
Believe in a
Kiss good night
Believe in a
Life worth livingBelieve in being
Happier than you've
Ever been, believe
Everything works out
In the endBelieve that he
Sees you for
Who you truly
Are, believe he
Sees the pieces
You try so
Hard to hideBelieve he loves
You for who
You truly are
On the inside
And out, but
Most of allBelieve that he
Likes what he
Sees, believe that
The third time
Is the charm
Believe in love
An Abundance Of Short Stories & A Handful Of Poems
Short StoryJust some poems and Short stories that I have written over the last year or so.