The Truth Is Revealed

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As Jane could not go to Hogwarts , the healers brought Hogwarts to her. She spent the morning resting and then had a few lessons in the afternoon. She managed to keep up with the work and was excelling in all her subjects. She was still upset that she was away from Draco and Blaise but she had managed to complete almost all of the theory of each subject for her year by Christmas. She still couldn't do any magic and it frustrated her more than anything else. She had managed to gain a lot of her strength back , she was still very thin and fragile but she was able to go home the day before Draco came home for Christmas.

It felt very weird returning home after such a long time. Her mother was glad to have her home and made the house elves make Jane's favourite meals. Just before she went to bed she went and visited Dobby in the kitchen "Miss Malfoy" Dobby shouted in acclamation "you should not be down here you will be in terrible trouble with your father " he said terrified trying to make her leave.

"Don't worry Dobby he his not here this evening" ,Dobby still looked unsure but sat down

"Now how are you ?" Jane asked

"Fine Miss Malfoy " he said nervously

"Dobby i know you're lying now i order you to tell me what has happened"

"Dobby has been bad"

"What have you done?"

"Dobby had betrayed the noble house of malfoy"

"I'm sure you haven't , what is so terrible?"

"I told him about the chamber of secrets"

"Who , Dobby?"

"Harry Potter" he then began wailing

"Dobby control yourself, now talking to Harry Potter is nothing to be ashamed of,what even is the chamber of secrets?"

"It is a horrid place in Hogwarts and he has opened it again and Harry Potter is in grave danger"

"Who has opened it ?"


Jane recognised the name

"Well i hope you told Harry not to go to Hogwarts "

"Dobby did but he didn't listen, but Dobby has tried many a time to make Harry Potter go home"

"Don't worry about it, i'm sure you did the best you could,is Draco in danger?" she said

"No Mister Malfoy is safe for his blood his pure"Jane was relieved

"Good night"she said and left Dobby and the other house elves and went to bed; with only 1 thought in her head.She was going to find out who Voldermort is.

The next morning Narcissa helped her daughter out of bed and down for breakfast as her bones were still strengthening.They left for the station soon after . Jane was so excited to see Draco. She struggled to get out of her mother's grip who was holding onto her , she longed to run to her brother. She was the first to see his platinum blonde hair she called out his name and he turned to his skinny sister with the biggest smile on his face and hugged her so much that she could hardly breathe "Nice to see you too" she giggled

"Well i've missed you and so has someone else"he said turning to look at Blaise who was not far behind him. Jane reached her tiny arms out to him he hugged her nervous he would break her.He kissed her forehead and smiled down at her

"You've grown" Jane said simply

"Yes i have and you're back home which is even better, i have to go my mother is waiting but it was so nice to see you " he said and then bent down and whispered "You'll be at Hogwarts in no time and you better be there's only so much Draco i can handle". She giggled at his words , he waved to the family and went to his mother.

"What did he say?" Draco asked

"None of your business" she smirked at him and took his hand and they walked out of the station, their mother following closely behind them.

Later that evening, Jane went to say good night to Draco.

"Draco,can I ask you something?"

"Of course"he said while looking at quidditch through the ages

"Can you pay attention this is important"

"I am paying attention" still looking at his book

"Fine, who's Voldermort?". That got his attention.

"Don't say the name"

" Why who is he ?"

"No one"

" I don't believe you , fine i'm going to see mother". She got up to leave when Draco held her wrist

"Jane , please don't , you don't need to know"

"Yes I do" she said and went to find her mother.

"Mother who's Voldermort"

"Don't you dare say that name in my home"

"I'm sorry , please i feel stupid everyone else knows and i don't , i'm not 6 years old any more "

"Fine, the dark lord was a vile , cruel man who tried to take over the wizarding world and nearly did but Harry Potter stopped him"

"Well why does no one say his name"

"People are very scared of him , he was an awful man"

"Oh, what did Aunt Bella mean when she said 'he'll want her'?"

Narcissa looked down painfully

"The dark lord had followers, death eaters, you're father and aunt were both two of his devoted followers and when you were born" she began to cry, Jane soothingly rubbed her back and held her hand "when you were born , he came to the house and asked us when you turned 16 if you would become a death eater"

"Well what did you say?"

"Your father said yes straight away, coward,i'm so sorry my beautiful girl"

"It's OK if he does return, I will join, it is the only way you and Draco will be safe ,I will be perfectly fine, I can take of myself" she kissed her mother's forehead and went up to bed.

She was going to be a death eater when her lord returned and for some weird reason she wasn't scared. She knew she would fine as long as she had her mother,Draco and Blaise.

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