A little extract

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Hi guys i'm really updated in forever I have been really with school work and will be for the next couple of months but I really wanted to get another chapter out before I go back to school after Easter. I haven't finished this chapter yet but I thought I would give you a little taster of it. Thank you to everyone for your comments:

pebs123: i'm glad she said goodbye too.

missbritain1259 : aww don't cry, Jane wouldn't want you to cry and i've updated a little bit sorry for the long wait

bookey: aww don't cry, Jane wouldn't want you to cry, and i have updated a little bit sorry for the long wait

AmberStutler: thank you

Severus_Always: I apologise for his middle name i was being very unimaginative. Thank you and i'm glad she got to say goodbye as well.

zChalice : don't cry Jane wouldn't want you to cry

angry_girlz1259: i've updated a little bit sorry for the long wait

Thank you to everyone who has commented,read , voted and added to their library, means so much me and i cannot believe this story has nearly gotten to 30,000 reads again thank you so much.

A gentle breeze rippled through Jane’s golden hair, making her shiver and turn her back to Cedric’s grave to escape the cold summer wind. She wiped a stray tear that glistened in the sunlight off her cheek. She took one final look at the ivory gravestone and stood up and looked over to her big brother who was waiting with a patient but bored and disgusted impression on his pale face. When seeing her look at him, he smiled encouragingly and started to walk towards his little fragile sister. She stumbled over the emerald grass while running towards him and he opened his arms and engulfed her in a hug. She buried her head in his strong chest and breathed in the smell of his expensive cologne. He stroked her head and then softly whispered “We better go, they’ll be out soon.” Jane was so tired and sad that she didn’t even correct his appalling way of talking about the muggles, she just hugged him tight, glad to have some warm comfort. She looked up at him and nodded and they made their way out of the solemn graveyard with Draco’s arm over Jane’s shoulder and the distant sweet sound of ‘Amazing Grace’ coming from the church accompanying them.

The journey down the country path felt longer this time to Jane and the world felt blurry as they opened the gate to the field they had left Draco’s broom. As he grabbed his broom he looked at Jane who looked tired and depressed “You ok?” he asked her worriedly, she didn’t look at him but replied “I don’t know”

“Well are you happy you went?”

“Yes, I think” and after a long pause she said “Its just I miss him.” He took her dainty hand in his large one and said “There’s nothing wrong about missing him.” She looked into his light grey eyes and said “There is if you have no way of seeing him again, come on lets go, I want to go home” He didn’t say anything and just nodded as they both mounted the broom. Jane clasped onto him and buried her head into his back as they flew over the English countryside, wishing she could fall off the broom and then all her problems would be solved.

Draco began to push the broom forwards as he recognised their large foreboding manor home. “Jane we’re home” he said as they touched down on the ground. “Thank you for taking me Draco it was really nice having someone there with me and I’d appreciate it, if you didn’t mum and especially not dad where we’ve been”

“Well that might be harder than you think”

“Why’s that?” Draco didn’t say anything he just pointed behind her and she whipped around to see her mother with an angry and stern look on her face marching towards them. “What do we do?” Draco said worriedly

“Let me do the talking, ok ? Don’t say anything and do not tell her where we’ve been under any circumstances ok?” Jane said forcefully

“Ok” Draco said running a hand through his hair “And stop looking so guilty for god sakes” she quietly spat at him as they started walking towards their angry mother. “Where on earth have you two been? Gone all morning! You didn’t even leave a note! Do you have any idea how worried I was? Anything could have happened! I nearly asked your father to come home to help look for you!” Jane’s eyes widened at this and her heart started to beat faster and faster until there was a loud thumping in her ears. Her father could not find out about this. It would get her in trouble that she didn’t need as well as getting Draco into trouble.

“Well there's no need for that we’re home mother no need to worry” she said hurriedly.

“No need to worry ! Have you forgotten the Dark Lord has returned?” Narcissa said

“No but unless I'm mistaken we are in no danger around the Dark Lord” Jane said challenging her mother. “Don't be so foolish Jane there is always danger when the Dark Lord is concerned, now are you going to tell me where you’ve been?” Narcissa asked her eyes darting between her two children. “No we’re not going to tell you where we've been” Jane said as she began to walk up to the house. “It wasn't an option Jane” Narcissa said catching up with her “Now either you tell me or I tell your father and he gets it out of you, you decide?” Jane’s eyes widened in horror and she said “you wouldn't”

“Oh I would” Jane stared in disbelief at her mother, and then after a minute’s deliberation she turned to her and said “You promise you won't tell father?”

“Well that depends if it affects your safety?” Narcissa said crossing her arms “Now come on Jane spit it out.” Jane shuffled her feet and in a hushed mumble whispered “We went to Cedric’s grave.” However Narcissa could not hear and said annoyed “What did you say?” Jane getting angry at this point and then looked at her mother with great hatred and anger in her eyes “We went to see my dead love’s grave!”

This is not the end of this chapter i will try and update as soon as possible sorry for the long wait :)

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