Matt (5)

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Victoria Bates

I decided last night that maybe I should go to school. I mean Logan will be there, so that'll be a plus. But dealing with Kas is something I didn't want to do. She's so confusing, I mean if I go in today she may talk to me like nothing ever happened, or pretend she doesn't know me. Oh well, I won't be hurt either way. 

I don't where I found the motivation to get up and go, but I was actually kind of excited. Which is a good thing, I need to graduation. I mean have good grades and all, I get everything done, its just I miss a lot of school. I miss just enough school where I cannot get in any trouble. I'm smart about it. 

So I get dressed and debate if weather or not to makeup on. I'm in a good mood so why not right? Today's gonna be a good day, no father to babysit, a house to myself and a new cute guy in town. 

Then someone knocked on my door. Who the hell is knocking on my door at 6:30 am. 


"Hey!" I'd forgotten about him. I was so distracted by Logan I didn't allow Matt to be apart of my thoughts.

"Hey beautiful." He stepped in forcing me to back up or else he would step on me. So not only did he randomly show up at my house he welcomed himself in pretty rudely. I thought I'd made it clear I wanted to be alone. 

"Look at you getting all dolled up." He cupped my chin within his hand and planted a kiss on my lips. I was suddenly annoyed, I think it's just his presence. He's been annoying me a lot more lately. I mean its not that he's going anything he doesn't normally do because he always shows up at my house in the morning, normally to wake me up and make me get ready for school. I don't know why I am loosing my patience with him so easily. 

"Thanks." Without another word I went back to the bathroom to finish my makeup, and he followed me. He stood leaning against the doorway watching me. When I was almost done he said something that surprised me.

"Do you even love me anymore Tori?" I just turned to him surprised. "Be honest with me. Because I feel like you're done with me and you're waiting for the right to leave. You don't kiss me the same, you don't look at me the same way and you barely talk to me. We barely even sleep together and when we do you're just not into it. Did I do something?"

"You didn't do anything Matt." I sighed and turned back into the mirror to finish my makeup. 

"You're not even listening? I'm trying to talk about us and you don't care." 

"You sound like a girl on her period Matt. I'm having a good day do not fuck it up."

"I saw you with that guy at the beach. I heard about it too." 

I turned to him and sighed because it was obvious he wasn't going to drop it. "He's new and he wanted to make new friends. We talked and that's it." 

"Okay, I believe you. But I still feel like I annoy the crap out of you." 

"I don't want to talk about it."

"We need to talk about it Tori, I'm tired of feeling unwanted by my own girlfriend. She locks me out her house turns off her phone and then goes out to the beach with her friends and another guy. It's unfair!" 

"No Matt I don't love you. You constantly annoy me to the point to where I want to rip my hair out. You don't understand the concept of alone time and personal space. You don't understand the things I am going through with my mother being and gone and my father being a drunk and blaming  me for her death. My father just went to jail and I get to relax until you come up here and just..." I screamed out of frustration.

"I'm sorry." Matt just looked down upset. " Maybe we just need a break."

"Yeah I think so."

Matt hugged me and let me go real fast. "Do you still want me to take you to school."

"Yes please." 

The ride to school was silent and awkward. He seemed really upset.

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