Push (8)

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I quickly rushed to my class when I was stopped by a girl. The new girl in fact, who must be Lucus' sister. "Hey, there."

"Hi?" We don't have any classes together and I think I've only seen her once in the hall. I'm confused as to why she's approaching me. 

I don't know Tori, maybe it's because not only one of her brothers are showing interest in you, but both of them are.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She held out her hand. She seemed like one of those people who are always happy. So happy its annoying and you just wanna deck them in the face. " I'm Lena, Logan's brother." 

"Ahh, I'm Tori." I took her hand and smiled. 

"I'm just trying to make new friends here in town. I'm not gonna be here much longer because I'm a senior but I plan on waiting a year before I start college so having friends is a must have to occupy myself for that time." Shes a talker. 

"Oh, well that's nice. But umm, I gotta get to class."

"Oh, but before you go, are you busy tonight?" Wow, I barely know this girl, somethings off. Not just about her, but about her brothers too. Especially Lucus.

"Yeah, I am actually. I'm sorry." I just walked away and  went to class. 

° ° °

Matt was standing outside of my last class which really pissed me off. I kept walking like I didn't see him. Then it hit me when I got to my locker, he was gonna take me home. I need to find another ride home because I can barely tolerate his presence. 

He stayed silent as I gathered my stuff and as we got to the car. It was all set off when someone  yelled my name.

I turned to see Logan running toward me. "Hey, you okay? You seemed upset in lunch today, and you rushed out so I wasn't able to ask then."

"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm just exhausted."

"Okay." He smiled that amazing smile of his. "Hey, why don't you-" He pulled out his phone and pressed a few buttons. "-put you number in my phone. That way if you need someone to talk to you can call me."

"She doesn't need that." Matt grabbed my arm and attempted to pulled me away from Logan. 

"Hey! What the hell!" I jerked away from him and pushed him. Matt flew back like a foot or so. I was too angry to realized I'd push a 180 ILB guy a foot back in the air. 

"Tori." Logan went straight to Matt and made sure he was okay. Matt stood up and gave him a mean look. 

"Come on Tori, I need to get home."

"Logan, can you take me home?" 

"Yeah, yeah." He seemed taken aback by my question but he smiled as he accepted. 

Matt got in his car and slammed the door and pulled out. I had to move or else he would've hit me. 

Logan led me to his car with his hand on my back. I saw Lucus and when he saw us coming he immediately got out, he stood with the door waiting. He motioned for me to sit in the passenger and he even closed the door for me. Such a gentlemen. 

Logan drove and I led him to my house. 

"Thanks for taking me home." I smiled at Logan. "Matt's not very accepting."

"He still shouldn't have grabbed you like that." 

I just shook my head and sighed. As I reached for the door handle to get out it opened for me. I looked over and saw Lucus holding the door for me. I wasn't used to it but I did like it. I said goodbye to Logan and I was surprised when Lucus even walked me to my front door.

"You didn't have to walk me to my house."

"I know," He smiled at me, his smile was even more memorizing than Logan's. I couldn't help but smile back. Did he feel the attraction too? 

I fumbled with my door, and finally got it unlocked and he just waited patiently. I thanked Lucus- while non-stop smiling- and waved at Logan before I closed my door and enjoyed the house to myself.

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