The Afterstory: Chapter 3

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  "But Yan* what are we going to do now?" I asked.

   "Of course I'm gonna 将计就计* Jiang ji jiu ji."
   "?" He pinches my cheeks and chuckles at my clueless.
   "I'm going to pretend to adore her, and what do you think the other women in the harem would do?"
   "They will try to… harm her!" I said surprised.
    "...And they will no longer focus on you. Pretend to upset her and I will ground you within your palace. Tell our sons too. So that you will all be safe. And I won't touch her I will just give her an incense that shows her an hallucination. And then I'll give her medicine that makes it seems she pregnant and once everyone knows how I adore her, I will shove her and the eldest prince in bed and accuse her of adultery and that the baby is not mine."
   "I trust you." I said docilily lying in his embrace.
And later the week there was a banquet to increase the titles of the ladies of the harem.

     "Consort Li is to be promoted to Li Gracious Consort*...The Honored Lady Yin to Yin Pure Consort*for the birth and raising of two princes and her(him*) loyal and faithful service...And Wen Consort to Wen Virtuoso Consort*..." He announced regally in his throne high above everyone, looking down upon everyone.
   My heart felt a pang as when the music and dancers began he never saw them, he only saw his new Wen Virtuoso Consort. He never even looked at me, my hearts even though I know this is just acting...Imagine if I didn't...Or worse if it was real.
I just hope he doesn't fall too deeply into acting to the point he forgets that he's acting.

* Short for Hong Yan, Hong is the last name but in China last name comes first and Yan is the first name.
*将计就计 Is you pretend to fall in the trap and when they let guard down you attack.
*Gracious Consort translates to 惠妃 hui fei
*Pure Consort translates to 淑妃 Shu Fei, suitingly
*The Chinese her 她/ him 他is pronounced the same "ta"
*The Virtuoso Consort translates to 德妃 De Fei


So I discovered a new genre in Chinese BL that I totally fell in love with called 快穿 kuai chuan, which made up of the word 穿 越 chuan the which is the genre where the main character time travels, via body or soul or just soul travels to another body, and the word 快 meaning fast. It's basically a bunch of chuan yue, within ANY setting. Like ancient China, the apocalypse, ABO (Alpha, Beta, Omega), Werewolf, modern times, in a world of vampires or in ancient China trying to become a God like in 花千骨 or 三生三世十里桃花 Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossom, or any novel even web novels. It's more like an anthropology or a series of stories! It usually is also accompanied by the genre 系统 xi tong, which is like a system a game system, usually kinda similar to a game system. I want to start a book on this and you guys can suggest the worlds and ship.

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