Chapter 5

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I wake up to sore legs and a tired body.

I groan as the light flashes my eyes causing me to squint.

Seriously, today is school.


Lazily, I get out my bed and go to the bathroom. I do the usual routine and head to my room.

I then comb my hear in a high ponytail, put on some sweats, a T-shirt and a pair of adidas.

Just then my phone rang.

"Hello?" My voice comes put as a sleepy murmur.

"Girl what's up with you ? You sound as if you just had morning sex" I knew it was Lieah.

"That's because I'm sore" my voice still small.

"Girl I knew you had it in you , you're so wild!"

"Assarass I'm talking bout soccer practice ."

"Well whatever get your ass out the house it's already 7:45."

I hang the phone up and let out a tired sigh.

I struggle to get out the house and when I do I spot Lieah's pink Mercedes with all the girls in.

I tiredly make my way over to them and when I finally do they all look at me with pitiful looks.

"Girl what the hell happened" Avalia scans me.

"Soccer." Lieah answered plainly.

"Well girl that's what you get for joining a soccer team" Eva gives me a fake smile.

"Haha so funny" I shoot her a dry look.

I hop in and slouch feeling tired.

We arrive at school and believe me I was already feeling worst.

I make my way to my locker that's when stuff went down. Brittney.

"Hey you " the ass calls out.

I turn around feeling annoyed already by her high pitched bitch ass voice.

"What do you want Brittney?"

Her little minions were just at her side like soldiers as always.

The girls had gone to do some thing . I think it was to finish their home work or something. I don't know I wasn't listening.

"What I want is for you to back away from Adrian"she steps forward to me.

"Pft believe me he's all yours ."

"I don't think you get it . I mean for you to back off him" she puts her fingers in my face . Now she crossed the boarders . All the sleepiness was gone and placed with anger.

"Let me make something clear to you . Number 1 he's all yours , 2 get your dirty ass herpes fingers out my face and 3 if I were you I'd back the hell up!"

I could tell that there was a crowd forming.

It seemed she doesn't understand English cause she put her hands in my face.

"Bitch I told you back the fuck up!" My voice booms.

"And I told you Adrian is mine!" Next thing I know is her hand all up in my face and she pushing me.

Hell to the fucking no!!!

I ball up my fist and swing my fist giving her a hard punch to the jaw sending her to the floor with a hard thud.

There were loud 'oohs' and 'shits

"How dare you !"
Karen one of her minions comes to me and before I could react both she and Latoya were held by their hair screaming.

It was Sabrina.

"You two bitches should really fucking back off" she spits out with venom in her tone.

Brittney was now on the floor screaming spitting out blood.

"You bitch!" She screamed at me.

That got me really angry.

I jumped on her and started bitch slapping her, left, right , centre.

I start kicking her too very hard.

Brittney was now crying and screaming like a fucking child.

People tried holding me even Sabrina but it was too late I was furious.

Next thing I , feel is someone holding me by my waist and pulling me off her.

"You bitch!" I scream my blood boiling.

"Emerald calm." It was Adrian.

I tried getting out his grip but he held me tight.

"Alex get clear of the scene " he said.

A boy with black straight hair , a muscular body , hazel eyes , a tanned, butterscotch complexion and chisel face was besides Sabrina. He was wearing a white dressed shirt with a pair of black jeans and a pair of Nikes.

He nodded and yelled " Everyone get the fuck to class !" Everyone scurried.

"Drop me !" I screamed.

He held me tighter. "Get her out of here " Alex said to Adrian.

All I know was me being over Adrian's shoulders carried to the car lot.

I was lead to a black Lamborghini and there he placed me in .

He entered and started driving.

"Where the fuck are you taking me !" I yelled.

"What happened ?" He asks calmly .

"Fucking Brittney happened!"

"What did she do ?"

"The bitch got an eye on you . I mean I'm there by my locker then I see she coming my way then she starts telling me to stay away from you , you're hers and all that crap. She started getting all up in my face . I told her back off but the hoe didn't listen. Instead, she pushed me then I punched her and that's where it goes" I explain upset.

"That girl just doesn't know when to quit" he mutters .

"What do you mean?"

He lets out a sigh . " Brittney has had an eye on me cause of my family. My family are one of the richest on Earth and Brittney knows that cause early last year she got to know me at some photo shoot she had which I was also at . From that day she was stuck to me . "

"So you're telling me that this chick is obsessed with you and thinks I'm some kind of threat ?" "Yup" he says with his eyes on the road.

"That bitch is so psych ."

He lets out a chuckle and I narrow my eyes.

He had been driving for over 30 minutes and I was starting to get curious .

"Adrian , where are we going ?"

He shoots me a look and then smirks . "You're going to meet my family " he smiles.

"What the hell !"

He lets out a chuckle and I just slouch in the seat.

Guess I'm meeting the Romero family.

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