Chapter 9

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It's been 2 weeks since Adrian and I kiss and he's been totally avoiding me. At lunch he would seat at our table and will not make eye contact with me. He won't look at me, talk to me , smile at me or even give me a wave. It's as if I don't even exist. As if I mean nothing to him. Like that night never happened , and trust me that made my blood boil. No one knows  about the kiss.

I let out a sigh as I take my seat to the back as always in my English class.

"What's up" a voice chirp and I instantly knew it was Alex.

I turn to face him with a smile. " Nothing. Nothing at all" my voice was a little sad.

Alex gave me one of his famous , bright , white smile.

"What's wrong?"

I let out a frustrated sigh and lean back in my chair.

"Adrian." I say simply folding my arms.

"Oh" he says his smile fading.
"Trust me Lina , give him a break . He's been through alot."

"What do you mean?"

He smiled."That's for him to tell. One day I promise he will."

I took it as that.

We continue making talk and tears were in my eyes at Alex stupidity.

Just then Adrian walked in. He has on a black T-shirt along with a pair of black skinny jeans and black Nikes. His hair was dropped and curly as always. He had a gold small chain around his neck and he looks sharp as always, but that doesn't change the fact that he has a pissed off look on his face.

He passes next to us and looks at Alex softening his look and his eyes landed on me and his pissed of look returned with a pair of cold eyes.

My heart sunk but I didn't put on that expression my face was pissed off and I could tell my eyes were cold as ice.

You wanna play this game? Well two can play this.

He rolls his eyes at me and sucks his teeth. My blood boiled. I was about to get up when Alex gripped my arm , holding me down.

I gave him a glare but he still held me.

Before I could pull my arm from Alex , Adrian just walked away and took a seat to the front.

What the hell is wrong with him? What did I do to him , that he's acting like a complete ass?

Alex then looked at me and gave me a smile"Don't worry he'll come around."

It is now lunch time and I'm at the table with the guys and girls, eating and laughing. Marquiro is there too. Did I mention that he goes to this school? Well yeah, he does his 16 so next year he'll be a senior like me.

Everything was going good until Adrian arrived. With  fucking BRITTNEY!! I could feel my blood boil. Is this some way to get me jealous? Well hell yeah it's working!!!!

She is just there sitting on his damn lap giggling like a fucking ass. I could tell that she covered up the blows I gave her with 100 pounds of make up due to the fact that her face looked as fake as ever and I could see the blows.

Everyone has an upset look on their face.

"Uhmmm excuse me hoe , you're not welcomed here." I spat out angrily.

"Last time I checked this is a free country" she put on her fake , innocent voice which got me upset.

"And last time I checked hoes aren't allowed at this table" I got up slowly , yanking my arm away from Alex.

"Well I guess you're talking about yourself."

"Bitch you the one going around this school giving every guy head!" My voice boomed. I could tell that there was already a crowd.

"At least my mouth is useful for something unlike yours ."

"Really that's all you got. Bitch here's the thing my mouth is used to put little hoes like you in their place and I let my legs and arms do the rest of the talking." I was really , really upset.

"You're just a stupid ass bitch tomboy."

"Yes I'm a stupid ass bitch tomboy who fucked up your face." There were loud 'oohs' and 'shits.'

"You're just jealous that Adrian wants me and not you."

That triggered it.

"Oh please you can have him for all you want cause you're just a one night stand."

"Back the fuck up!" Avalia screamed at her , coming forward but Ethan holds her back.

"Back the hell up you cock sucking hoe!" Lieah screamed getting all up in her face but Evan held her tight.

"Leave my sister alone you hoe. Fuck off!! Can't you  see no one likes you you're just trash !" Eva yells running forward to her but by force she was pulled back by UC.

Hell no!!

This girl was all up in my face screaming at me. I started pushing her making the ass tumble many times.

I was now frustrated. I punched her in the face and she flew to the flow blood pouring down her nose. Sabrina stepped forward to beat her but Alex held her back. The girls were letting out number of curses at Brittney.

"You whore!" She screamed at me. Didn't she learn her lesson? I absolutely it when people call me a white that just upsets me.

I jumped on her and started beating the shit outta her. Many people tried separating but I was to upset.

I felt a tight grip on my waist and I pushed the person. Some how I was pulled off Brittney.

I turned around only to face Adrian.

"What?!!! What do you want?!!"

"What's up with you?" He shouted at me.

"Really !! For the last two fucking weeks you have totally ignored me and you've been a total ass to me !!!!! " I screamed tears pricking my eyes.

"And?" He seemed as if he didn't care.

Tears streamed down my face out in anger.

"I hate you!!!" Tears streaming more.

The guys were looking really, really upset.

Adrian looked a little hurt.


"Don't even say it " I hiss  in a low tone , closing my eyes.

Tears continue to flow and I opened my eyes. I wiped the tears and looked him in the eye
"I don't ever want to see you." With that I walked away . I ignored the voices which shouted my name. I went out the school and home not giving two fucks.

I went straight up to my room and cried my eyes out.

I cried , and cried and cried.

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