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It was a Friday night, and that meant work for Jeonghan. However, the fact that he is a bartender and that he gets well paid from his job, he was indeed excited to go to work. He clocked in and the voice of the owner, Choi Seungcheol, greeted him. "Jeonghan! It's gonna get a little bit busier tonight, a special VIP is coming." Jeonghan nodded in response and continued on his way to the small locker room, where the other 3 bartenders and the DJ were. 

The fact that Club Seventeen was the most popular club in Seoul, it was also popular among celebrities, idols and other high class people. On weekends, the club is always booked under different celebrities and open to the public on weekdays. The main reasons were the professional bartenders, who had the looks and charm while making the customers' drinks.

"Hyung! You finally came!" Soonyoung says as he looks up from tying his shoelaces. "Well the no.1 bartender in Club Seventeen is always fashionably late." Junhui teases as Jeonghan smacked him, causing Jihoon to laugh out loud. "Really Junhui? You're implying that's he has more fashion sense than you." Wonwoo says, not looking up from his game. Junhui gasps dramatically and looks at himself in the mirror again, this boosts his confidence (and cockiness).

Seungcheol went to the locker room and announced, "I forgot to tell ya'll this. Today's VIP is my best friend and the club's co-owner." Everyone's eyes (except for Jeonghan) widened, they have not seen the co-owner before and they only knew that he was wealthy and was always abroad. "He's staying in Korea for a while so he wants to come down to the club to let loose." Seungcheol explains. "Is he paying?" Wonwoo asks, earning a nod from Seungcheol. "Of course he's paying. He booked the entire club for the night and is bringing some of his friends." Everyone nods at this point. "Also, he requested one of you to be his personal bartender for the night." this caught the 4 bartenders' attention. 

"What?! Why?!" Junhui's jaw dropped.

"He just requested." Seungcheol shrugged hie shoulders.

"Who is it then?" Jeonghan asks, looking up from his phone.

"You." Seungcheol points to Jeonghan.

"Why me?" Jeonghan whines, he did not want to let someone pay him a large sum of money just by watching him mix drinks. Everyone immediately begged him to accept the offer. They all knew that the co-owner was friendly and caring, but as Jeonghan joined a few months later than the rest of the employees, he didn't really know the background of the co-owner. 

Jeonghan, being slightly annoyed by everyone's begging gave in and said, "Fine, but on one condition." Seungcheol bit his tongue, he was begging it wasn't a raise in his salary, he muttered a "Yea?" "In return, I get a raise in my salary this month." Jeonghan stuck his tongue out and Seungcheol nodded, but inside he was freaking out. 

6:30pm rolled around. Soonyoung, Junhui and Wonwoo were dressed in white or black button downs with an open collar and their hair was gelled up and styled in a certain way. Jeonghan, having long hair, pulled a few locks of his hair back into a mini bun and he wore a white button down with an open collar and like the other 3, he had a black choker around his neck. All 4 boys had a little makeup on them, like they always do, but they looked flawless.

Seeing that everything was ready, Seungcheol called his best friend and sooner or later, a large group of people came in. Jihoon put some music on and the bartenders greeted them and immediately made drinks prior to the customers' orders. An hour later, the bartenders did their job and began socialising with the customers, leaving their fully tipped boxes under the counter. 

Soon, Seungcheol called Jeonghan and Jeonghan went towards him. They both went up to the second floor, where the VIP lounge was and Seungcheol briefly told Jeonghan what he needed to know. He approached a man with dark brown and tapped his shoulder, causing the said person to turn around. "I'll talk to you later Hyungwon, please tell my assistant that he can go down and enjoy." the man's voice was honey-like and gentle, he then turned to the duo and smiled. "Hey cheol. Long time no see." Seungcheol laughed and gave a bro hug to the said man. "Too long Josh. Well this is Jeonghan." Jeonghan bowed slightly and says, "It's nice to meet you Joshua shi~" Joshua nods and just smiles back, "Call me Joshua or Josh or Shua." 

Feeling that he should leave, Seungcheol says, " I need to check downstairs, let me know if you need anything." The two nod and stared awkwardly at each other as Seungcheol leaves. "So, what would you like to drink?" Jeonghan asks, breaking the awkwardness. "A Margarita would be nice." Joshua says and Jeonghan nods, walking to the bar and taking the respective bottles of alcohol he would need. Joshua followed behind and sat down on a seat, watching the beauty in front of him making the drink.

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