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"What do you want to ask Cheol?" Jeonghan asked, playing with Joshua's hair. "Oh right, I have to go back to America soon... I was wondering if you'd... come with me?" Joshua scratched at his nape. "Y-You're leaving?! When?!" Jeonghan pouted, his hands froze. "In a month... I have to go back baby... My... family wants to meet you..." Joshua sighed and pecked the blonde's forehead. "It's true Jeonghan hyung, Shua hyung's family wants to meet you." Mingyu says as Joshua looks down.

"Hmm... Let's discuss it with Cheol first hm?" Jeonghan pecks the brunette's lips and lies down on his lap. "Alright baby~" Joshua smiles and runs a hand through his boyfriend's hair, closing his eyes slowly and falling asleep. Mingyu chuckled as the couple fell asleep, he wished Wonwoo and him would be like that someday.

Time passed and Mingyu parked in front of the club, he turned to the backseat, "Hyungs? Sleeping beauties? Wake up.... ughhh aish... HYUNGS WAKE UP!" Due to the loudness of Mingyu's voice, the couple woke up with a shock, with them hitting their heads against each other's. "Ow! Fuck..." Joshua muttered as the younger chuckled at his two hyungs. "We have arrived already." Mingyu says as he got out to open the door for them. Rubbing his head, Joshua got out and extended his hand for Jeonghan. "My lady?" He called, causing Jeonghan to hold the taller's hand, blushing and getting out of the car.

The 3 men entered the club and Mingyu immediately went to look for Wonwoo. The couple went towards Seungcheol's office and was about to knock when they heard a moan.

"H-hyung~ ah~"

Joshua and Jeonghan looked at each other with wide eyes. Joshua put a finger to his lips and he knocked on the door. They could hear Seungcheol shout "Coming!"

Jeonghan giggled softly but was cut off by Joshua pressing his lips against his. The blonde wrapped his arms around the ravenette's neck and kissed back. Joshua moved his lips to the blonde's jaw and peppered kisses all over the smaller's neck. Joshua pulled away and captured the blonde's lips again, their lips moving in sync.

"Ahem" Seungcheol coughed and the two pulled away. "We're here to talk and I'm assuming Chan was staying?" Joshua says with a smirk. "Oh, I'm just leaving to a friend's house. I'll be going now~ Bye Cheol hyung~" Chan says before pecking Seungcheol's cheek and running off.

Seungcheol grinned and moved aside for the couple to come in. They sat down on the couch and Jeonghan leaned his head on Joshua's shoulder, who had an arm around Jeonghan's shoulders.

"So what do you want to talk about Josh?" Seungcheol asks, sitting at his chair. Joshua looked at Jeonghan before looking at Seungcheol.

"You know I'm going back to America to visit the LA branch and my family in a month right?" Joshua slowly starts.

Seungcheol nodded for him to continue. "So.... my family wants to meet Jeonghan, officially." Joshua continues nervously.

"Joshua. How long will you be gone? Jeonghan is our best bartender here. Around 45% of our sales alone depend on him." Seungcheol places his chin on his hand. Jeonghan looked down in guilt.

"I just need a week or so, okay? Then I'll come back to Korea with Jeonghan safe and sound. And I'll get Felix to come over from Australia. He needs to improve his korean anyways." Joshua explains.

Seungcheol thought for a while. "What's in it for me then?" Joshua thought about it for a moment and grinned.

"Vacation for you and Chan to anywhere you want, my treat. And the new Iphone X." Seungcheol's eyes lit up and he nodded eagerly. Jeonghan laughed at the scene.

"Deal." the two owners smile at each other. "From tomorrow onwards, Jeonghan you'll be working again. I'll be watching you from afar okay?" Joshua says to the blonde as they got out of the office. Jeonghan nodded in response and nuzzles his head into Joshua's chest.

"I love you shua yah~"

"i love you too hannie~"

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