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The next day, Jeonghan went to work as per usual, but the only thing that was different was that Joshua accompanied him to work (more like drove him to work). Jeonghan acted as per normal, mostly because Wonwoo or Soonyoung would've already told the other employees about them. He left his personal things in his locker and took off his buttoned shirt, replacing it with his usual attire. Jeonghan proceeded to go to his station and wiped some glasses to kill time, and of course, Joshua was staring at his beauty.

"Stop staring at me please." Jeonghan says, not looking up from his current task. "Hmmm how about..... no." Joshua smiles at the blonde, who mentally cursed at the man. A few chuckles could be heard, mostly from Wonwoo and Mingyu, Joshua's assistant. Jeonghan sets down the glasses and walks towards the storage room, intending to check on the stocks (but actually he didn't want to see Joshua). "Aish that jerk..." Jeonghan started murmuring to himself, complaining about the said owner. A pair of arms suddenly snaked around his waist, making him jump in surprise.

"Talking about me hm?" Joshua whispered, pulling Jeonghan closer to his body and putting his head on the shorter's neck. Jeonghan breathed out a "No" and continued checking the stock. "You little liar~" Joshua whispers as he nibbled on the shorter's earlobe. "Josh. Let me work." Jeonghan murmured, but Joshua slid his lips up and down the blonde's neck. He totally enjoyed teasing the beauty in front of him. He turned the shorter around and pecked his lips before muttering a "Fine." With that, he let Jeonghan go and walked out to the staff lounge to Jeonghan's disappointment.

Joshua sat down at the lounge and looked at his phone casually, receiving calls and checking emails in english, with Mingyu constantly beside him to remind him of other things. The other employees watched in awe of their boss, probably because it was the first time they have seen him seriously working. "Wah our boss is so serious when he's working." Soonyoung says in awe as he adjusted his tie and fixed his blue hair. Wonwoo and Junhui couldn't help but agree.

Jeonghan walked out of the storeroom and placed the checklist in its respective file before walking over to the staff lounge, where the employees and Joshua were gathered at. He fixed his hair and re-applied his eyeliner, the employees noticed this, Jeonghan wasn't in a good mood. Meanwhile, Joshua was in the middle of a call with the branch in China and he responded in fluent Chinese. Once the call ended, Mingyu told Joshua that he had to collect his clothing (his suits) and that he needed to come along to show proof of the owner. Sighing, Joshua packed up and left the club with Mingyu who trailed behind, waving Wonwoo goodbye. Of course, that made Jeonghan even more mad.

Opening hours came around and Jeonghan would like to thank God that it wasn't such a busy day, but he was looking forward to 2 particular customers. Around a good hour passed and the 2 customers showed up, Jeonghan smiled at them and greeted them, "Jiminnie!~ Yoongi hyung!" Yoongi was Jihoon's cousin, he is a brilliant music genius who works as a music producer and Jimin, well he is Yoongi's boyfriend and a co-owner of a dance company with his good friends. "A Pretty U and a Shining Diamond right?" Jeonghan chuckles as the couple nod.

"You always know what we drink Jeonghan ah." Jimin smiles at the bartender, who chuckled in return while mixing the drinks, "Oh come on, you two are my favourite customers! Besides, you two come here often so how can I not know what you two drink?" Yoongi let out a small laugh and Jeonghan served the two glasses of different liquids. They talked and laughed, with Jeonghan serving other customers in the process, man he can multitask so well.

Joshua came back after a good half an hour and sat back down at the couch, watching the blonde bartender. Yoongi had went to accompany his little cousin at the DJ booth and Jimin was talking to Jeonghan about the funny stories that happened during an overseas trip with the dance company.

Jeonghan laughed and Jimin continued, "Yeah! So when we were in Japan, I stayed in the same room as Jin hyung. Jungkookie came to our door and we made him do weird things in the hallway! Then Jin hyung suddenly laughed like this, hang on i recorded it." Jimin played the video of Jin laughing and Jeonghan cracked up. Joshua came up and sat next to Jeonghan, he was clearly jealous.

"Ahem, sorry to interrupt but can I talk to you Jeonghan?" Joshua says in a serious voice, he didn't like the fact that Jeonghan was very friendly with his customer. Jeonghan nodded and called for Junhui to take over his station. He wiped his hands with a cloth and followed Joshua to the office. Jeonghan sat down on the couch as Joshua closes the door.

"What did you want to talk about Josh?" Jeonghan asks, folding his arms and crossing his legs. "You shouldn't be flirting with your customers Jeonghan ah." Joshua murmured as he looked at the blonde angrily. "F-Flirting?! Excuse me, can you not jump to conclusions?!" Jeonghan says getting up and walking towards the door, he opened the door slightly. "Jeonghan..." Joshua shuts the door back close and grabs Jeonghan's arm. "What. Let me go. Why are you jealous anyway? I'm just a one night stand right?" Jeonghan glared at the owner.

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