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3 hours later, the plane landed in United States, Los Angeles. "I AM BACK IN DA MOTHER LAND!!!!" Jae shouted as he got out of the plane. Brian followed after him, blocking his boyfriend's loudness with music blasting through his earphones.

"My lady~" Joshua says as he got out first, offering his hand to Jeonghan. Jeonghan rolled his eyes but took Joshua's hand in his and they both walked down the steps of the plane.

A big car was waiting for the 2 couples, two boys were talking standing in front of the car. "Daehwi! Samuel!" Joshua says and the two boys turn around. "Joshua hyung!" they shouted happily.

"Oh my god it's been forever hyung." Samuel, the ravenette says. "It's only been a few months Muel." Daehwi rolls his eyes, he had blonde hair.

"Come on now, don't start a fight." Jae says as he stood next to them. "Jae hyung! Brian hyung!" The two boys squealed and hugged Jae and Brian. They hugged back and patted the boys' heads, cooing about how much they've grown.

"Wait is that Joshua hyung's boyfriend?" Daehwi points out. Jeonghan hides shyly behind Joshua, playing with his boyfriend's sleeve. "Yes he is Hwi, this is Jeonghan. He's a little shy....~ Come on baby, say hi to my younger cousins...~" Joshua pecks Jeonghan's head as the blonde blushes.

"N-Nice to meet you..." Jeonghan bows his head and buries his head into Joshua's chest. "Wah~ he's so handsome... Well, we can catch up later! Uncle Mark wants you at the resort now." Samuel says, opening the car door.

Jae and Brian got in first, the driver had already loaded the trunk with their luggages. The ride was a good 45 minutes, Jeonghan yawned and leaned his head on Joshua's shoulder, holding his hand as well.

"Oh yeah Dae, how's Jinyoung?" Brian asks the purple head. "Yeah how's your precious boyfriend?" Jae looks at his younger cousin with curiousity. "Jinyoung's being clingy, in a good way. He always asks for cuddles~" Daehwi grins as he thought about it. "And I'm still single. Whyyy" Samuel whined. "Come on Muel, you'll find someone eventually~" Joshua says with a smile.

They arrived at the resort and Joshua shook Jeonghan gently. "Baby... we're here~" Joshua whispered and Jeonghan's eyes fluttered open. The blonde smiles and pecks Joshua's lips, Daehwi and Samuel cover their eyes in embarassment.

They got off the car and collected their luggages, two men stand in front of them. "Joshua!" Mark says with a wide smile. "Mark, our baby's grown up so much." Donghyuk wipes away the fake tears. "Dad! Mom!" Joshua exclaims happily as he ran to hug them both.

"You dyed your hair again." Donghyuk pouted and Joshua laughs at his father. "But Haechannie, you dyed your hair too." Mark says and Donghyuk scoffs, folding his arms. "I see my favourite nephew!" Taeyong calls out and Joshua hugs his uncle.

"I THOUGHT I WAS YOUR FAVOURITE DAD!" Jae shouts to Taeyong. "Did I say that?" Taeyong asks again. His wife, Jaehyun smacks him on the head and hugs Jae. "Honey you'll always be our favourite~" Jaehyun cooes at Jae and Brian.

Jeonghan felt awkward. He felt like an outsider. "Oh! Mom, Dad, Uncle Taeyong and Jaehyun! Meet my boyfriend~" Joshua holds Jeonghan's hands and brings him closer. "Nice to meet you... Mr and Mr Hong.." Jeonghan bows down in respect. "Wow, where did you find this beauty?" Mark smiles at Jeonghan.

Jeonghan felt shy and hid his face into Joshua's shoulder. Joshua laughed and patted his boyfriend's head whispering, "It's okay baby... no need to be shy~" Mark and Donghyuk laugh at the cute scene.

"Let's go for some hanwoo after ya'll settle in your rooms and put down your luggages.." Mark says and Jae's eyes lit up. "YES HANWOO COME ON BRIAN!" Jae pulls Brian to the lift lobby, leaving the adults and couple alone.

"We'll get going now, see you at the lobby in half an hour?" Joshua smiles at his parents who nod in return. Once they entered the elevator, Jeonghan let out a sigh of relief. "Phew..." Jeonghan murmured, leaning his head onto Joshua's shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Joshua asks in a worried tone. "Nothing... just nervous..." Jeonghan looks up at the ravenette's worried eyes. "Baby, you didn't need to be nervous... they're just my parents~" Joshua whispers. Jeonghan scoffs and slaps the younger's arm lightly, "Yeah your parents who might potentially be my in laws!!!"

Joshua chuckled at his boyfriend's attitude and pulled him out of the elevator as the doors slid open. They were living in the penthouse suites and that meant more private time and work time for the both of them. Jeonghan set down his luggage in their bedroom and plopped himself down on the bed.

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