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Over the month, Joshua showed his new additional tattoos to Jeonghan. One with his initials in capitals on his back and the other with the words 'i belong to yjh' in small cursive writing.

Jeonghan loved it. Every morning, he would trace his boyfriend's tattoos with a smile before kissing the ravenette passionately.

The month quickly passed by and the couple were in
their room taking a nap. They left the packing to Mingyu, as he said that he wanted to help do so. Mingyu wasn't going on the trip with them as he wanted to take this chance to spend time with Wonwoo.

Instead, Jaehyung would be accompanying them, as well as Brian.  Jaehyung wanted to visit his old school and catch up with his friends, sadly they only have a few days in the states as Brian wanted to go to Canada too.

Joshua's phone alarm went off and he groaned before turning it off. He turned to his side and saw Jeonghan facing him, he looked so peaceful while sleeping. He pecked the blonde's cheek softly and smiled, he was so blessed to have someone like that.

Joshua looked at the analog clock on the wall, read 8:27AM. He then realised, it was the day. Jeonghan let out a groan and groped for Joshua's hand. Joshua chuckled and held the blonde's hand gently. "Mmmh~ warm...~" Jeonghan smiled and Joshua laid back down, facing him sideways.

"Baby~ wake up~ We're flying off today~" Joshua whispered softly. Jeonghan didn't move, and Joshua knew what he wanted. "If you don't wake up....~ I'll tickle you~" Joshua joked, but to no avail.

Instead, the ravenette plants his lips onto Jeonghan's and he stays there. Jeonghan instinctively kissed back, putting his arms around Joshua's neck. They pulled away and pressed their foreheads together, "Good morning baby~" Joshua says and pecks the blonde's lips a few times.

Jeonghan smiled and blushed lightly before getting up and going to the bathroom. Joshua followed suit and they washed up and changed into couple clothes.

They proceeded to the kitchen where Jaehyung and Brian were, cooking. "Aw the lovebirds are finally up~" Brian teases as he flips a pancake. Jae laughs as he placed freshly cooked sausages and bacon onto the 4 plates. "Good morning hyungs..." Jeonghan says with a smile but yawns afterwards.

"Morning." Joshua says in english and sits down with Jeonghan on the breakfast counter. "I'll get the drinks~ Shua yah, what do you want?" Jeonghan gets up and heads to the refrigerator. "Black coffee please." Joshua replies with a smile, indeed his boyfriend was so sweet.

"I'll take a latte and Brian will have milk coffee." Jaehyung says, placing eggs onto the plates. Jeonghan nodded in response and began making the drinks. It was just like making cocktails but without the alcohol.

As Brian placed the pancakes onto the different plates, Jeonghan had already finished making the drinks. "Enjoy~" The blonde says with a bright smile and sits back down next to Joshua. "Thank you for the coffee and food~" everyone says and starts eating.

The four conversed about their highschool lives and their childhood, well mainly Jeonghan did as he was the newest addition to the family and no one really knew anything about him. They placed their dishes in the sink and Jaehyung made Joshua tell Mingyu that he had to do the dishes.

They left for the airport at exactly 10:17AM, well they were taking a private jet, but Mr Hong settled for the private jet to land at Incheon International Airport much to Joshua's annoyance.

Mingyu was nice enough to fetch them to the airport and he promised that he'll take care of the penthouse. Jeonghan held Joshua's hand, the other pulling his luggage. They went through the vip gate after bidding goodbye to Mingyu and Wonwoo, who accompanied them for a short while as he claimed that he wanted to see Jeonghan off.

They got on the private jet, which had 2 master bedrooms with bathrooms, lounge, media room and basically what a vip hotel room would have. Jeonghan gaped at the interior of the jet, he had almost forgotten that he was dating a billionare.

Jaehyung yawned and he dragged Brian to their bedroom for a nap. Jisoo smiled softly at the blonde, who looked a little tired and dazed. "Come on, let's sleep..." Joshua says as he opened the door to their bedroom.

They placed their luggages in the closet and took off their shoes, before plopping themselves on the comfortable bed. "Tired?" Joshua asks Jeonghan, who shook his head in response.

Joshua nodded and pecked the blonde's head, turning his attention to his phone. Jeonghan frowns slightly, he wanted Joshua's attention. "Baby~" Jeonghan murmured and Joshua hums in response.

"Look at me..." Jeonghan says and the ravenette does as told. Jeonghan cupped Joshua's cheeks and pressed his lips against the ravenette's soft ones. Joshua kisses back and the blonde moves his position, straddling Joshua, their lips still connected.

Jeonghan tugs gently at Joshua's shirt, he wanted more. Joshua pulls away and mutters, "You can have me~ Do whatever you want with me~" he smirks. Jeonghan blushed slightly, but he smirked back, kissing Joshua's lips roughly.

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