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The next morning, Joshua woke up with happy thoughts. As he promised, he would bring his Jeonghan to the best salon and do his hair. "Hannie~" the brunette whispered as he shook the petite sleeping body gently. "Mmmh...5 more minutes..." Jeonghan stirred and turned around to face Joshua. "You have to do your hair today remember?~" Joshua whispers, but the blonde didn't move. Joshua took matters to his own hands and peppered kisses all over the blonde, the last kiss on the lips and he stayed there.

Jeonghan kissed back, putting his arms around the brunette's neck. They pulled away and Joshua brushed the blonde's fringe aside, whispering, "Good morning~" Jeonghan smiled back and whispered back the same thing, before they got up and went to the bathroom. They washed up and brushed their teeth, with Joshua telling Jeonghan that the salon prepared some food for them so they didn't have to worry about cooking breakfast.

Within a half an hour, Joshua was dressed in a black muscle tee with black jeans (a plaid flannel tied around his waist) and Jeonghan in a black shirt with grey sweatpants. Mingyu picked the couple up and drove them to Joshua's usual hair salon in Seoul, with the owner being Joshua's friend. They arrived after a 45 minute ride and both boys waved to the younger, who said he had something on and drove off.

"Oh my, it's Joshua!" a voice shouted excitedly, causing the couple to turn around. "Oh, Luhan hyung!" Joshua hugs the brunette. "It's been quite a while, and oh my gosh is this your boyfriend?" Luhan gasped as he saw Jeonghan. "Yup. Jeonghan meet Luhan, my personal stylist and Luhan meet Jeonghan, my boyfriend." Joshua introduced the two to each other. "Nice to meet you." Jeonghan smiles as Luhan smiled back. "Come in come in!" Luhan gestured them into the salon.

Joshua had told Luhan beforehand that Jeonghan wanted to cut and dye his hair, and he wanted to do something for himself too. Jeonghan sat down in front of the mirror and Joshua came up next to him to peck his cheek. "I told Luhan what color and length your hair would have, I'll be at the back area, love you babe~" With that, Joshua left to do his hair and get another tattoo at the back area of the salon.

Jeonghan let Luhan do the magic on his hair, he relaxed and just naturally talked with Luhan. The both talked about the latest trends and you know 'girl' stuff. Luhan talked about his husband, Sehun, and shared stories about Joshua. Apparently, Luhan was a close family friend of the Hongs and he took care of Joshua when his cousin and parents were away.

Meanwhile, Joshua was getting his hair done. "What colour Josh?" Baekhyun asks as Joshua looked up with a smile and replied, "Black-brown, or a very dark brown that looks like black?" Baekhyun hummed and Chanyeol, his fiancé came over, asking, "Aye Joshua Hong my man! Heard from Luhan that you're getting another tattoo?" Joshua nodded at the question and explained the tattoo he wanted.

In a few hours, Jeonghan stretched from his seat as Luhan took him to the mirror. "So? How do you like it?" Luhan squeals. Jeonghan put his hand to his mouth and gasped, he looked..... beautiful. His hair was now fully platinum blonde, to the roots and cut short with a center parting. "Ah fuck!" a loud cry came from the back. Jeonghan recognised the voice, it was his boyfriend's. "Joshua?!" Jeonghan wanted to run to his beloved but he was stopped by Luhan, who shook his head and stiflrd a laugh.

"Joshua this is what you get when you get a new tattoo within a span of 6 months." Chanyeol teased as he inked the tattoo into Joshua's arm. Baekhyun laughed softly as he patted the other tattoo on Joshua's back with a wet cloth. "Is it done yet?" Joshua gritted his teeth as Chanyeol leaned back, admiring the newly inked tattoo. "Yeah yeah. Now let's get your boyfriend here?" Baekhyun asks but Joshua shakes his head. "I'll go out when this dries." he glared at Chanyeol, who chuckled.

Jeonghan, who wasn't that worried thanks to Luhan assuring him that everything's fine, he was now scrolling his instagram, waiting for Joshua. Without the blonde noticing, Joshua hugged him from behind, nuzzling his head into Jeonghan's neck. Startled, Jeonghan froze for a moment but realised when he smelt his boyfriend's familiar lavender scent.

"New hair colour? Hm?" Jeonghan hummed as Joshua licked and kissed the blonde's neck muttering, "Yup~ I also have a surprise for you~" The brunette chuckled and stood up to thank his friends (but really he's just settling events like Chanyeol and Baekhyun's wedding and Luhan and Sehun's twins birthday party) "Thanks Josh, now I guess you two have to go. Gyugyu is here!" Baekhyun laughs as Joshua bro-hugged the 3 of them. "Don't be too rough with him man. It's a little too obvious." Chanyeol whispered as Joshua chuckled.

"Bye hyungs! Josh, can I come here as a regular now? Hm?" Jeonghan pleads to Joshua after waving to the 3 friends. Joshua took out his phone and posed, an arm around the blonde's waist, he took a photo and saved it, making a mental note to upload it later. "Sure baby~ Mingyu let's stop by the club. I have to ask Seungcheol something." Joshua smiles and Mingyu nods, driving off to the club.

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