They Looked Familiar...

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My First Class was English like always so I looked at the class number and I found it ... Number 3 I went in and saw people staring at me .... Was I late?
Te "Oh you must be the new student come!"
Y "Ah yes and ok"
I walked infront of the people and my stomach had butterflies in it,
Te "So introduce yourself"
Y "Anasheo my name is Yoon and I am 15 years old... I hope you all take care of me *bow*"
Everyone clapped and I smiled I felt like I was welcomed
Te "Ok errrr Ah perfect you can sit in that empty seat over there"
Y "Thank you"
Every girl and boy smiled except 3 girls I guess they were having a bad day? I sat down next to a boy .... He looked familiar but I had to focus...
After Class
My hand hurted because all of that fast handwriting ... I got my backpack and left when I came upon 7 boys ... Why did they look so familiar? then a boy ran up to me
Y "Ah... Thank you"
? "Oh sorry for now introducing myself my name is Jung Hoseok but you could call me J-Hope cx"
Y "J-hope?"
Jh "YUP AWW You are just so cute"
Y "Heh thank you"
Then the other 6 boys came up to me
S "Yah you look like a weirdo when you meet new people"
Jh "You know i'm not"
S *tck*
He looked at me and his jaw dropped open
S "Don't tell me your.... Yoon?"
*How did he know my name? I didn't even tell him*
He looked at me focusing on ny face

 Yoon?"*How did he know my name? I didn't even tell him*He looked at me focusing on ny face

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Not going to lie he looked Hot ... He suddenly grabbed my hand and looked at my ring all they boys smile faded away and just stared at it
Y "Uhm is something wrong?"
S "No uhm I'm sorry just your ring is so familiar to me"
Jk "Uhm we have to get going bye"
Y "Ah bye"
? "Hey you!"
I turned around and a girl pinned me to the wall
? "Stay away from BTS"
Y "Oh... So that's there names"
? "Hah look at this freak I won't bother you unless you leave them alone"
Then suddenly I saw Mark at the corner of my eye and saw Sana at the other corner of my eye

 So that's there names"? "Hah look at this freak I won't bother you unless you leave them alone" Then suddenly I saw Mark at the corner of my eye and saw Sana at the other corner of my eye

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They did not look happy S "Yah and who are you to mess with her" M "Back off" He pushed her on the ground and went infront of me ? "YAH YOU KNOW WHO I AM" M "Nope and I will never be interested" ? "Are you sure you can't resist this body"She went ...

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They did not look happy
S "Yah and who are you to mess with her"
M "Back off"
He pushed her on the ground and went infront of me
M "Nope and I will never be interested"
? "Are you sure you can't resist this body"
She went up close to Mark but then Sana pushed her again
S "You lay one finger on them and you will see hell"
Y "Guys .... I'm late"
M "You could go we'll deal with this"
Y "Ok"
I walked to my class and didn't even look back and kept walking fast .. My next class was Dance Class and really I don't think i'm good at dancing I entered and I knew I was late for class again, All eyes were on me once again *sigh* I just entered and sat down cause I didn't know which group to go too.
Dt "And you are?"
Y "Yoon .. Yoon Mina"
Dt "Oh! your the transfer"
Y "Yes I am"
Dt "Hm let's see which group.. Blackpink yes you look stunning for blackpink"
He pointed towards the three girl group was it going to be four now? I walked towards them and just said hi
? "Ommo a new member yay!"
Y "Heh nice meeting you all"
? "You too names Jennie"
J "This is Rose, Jihoo, and Lisa"
Y "Hello *bow*"
J "So do you know whistle?"
Y "Oh yes I know!"
J "Then were all set let's get started!"

*You can be whoever you want*
Whew I was exhausted and then I just took a break it was time for the other groups to show their dance and my 2 Brother's group were first

I listened to that song everyday because it was so catchy and so did my sister's song talking about them they were up next

I clapped and cheered then a group called BTS was up and it was the boys that I bumped into earlier

Wahhh they were sexy ... I popped back to reality SEXY? Ommo what is wrong with me but it did remind me of something from my childhood
Jm "Yoon you want to see our dance?"
Y "Oh is it like good?"
Jk "Yup and were going to show you once we get better at it maybe when were in our 15s"
Y "Ok promise is promise kay?"
All "Kay"
*End of Flashback*
I came back to now and dance class was over and so we had lunchbreak after that...

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