Invited Home?

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They let me go when I stopped crying and calmed down a bit school was about to end so Jb helped me get to the car .... It was kinda hard but we made it, I suddenly looked up at the window and they were all standing infront of me (BTS) I just smiled weakly and waved good bye they smiled brightly and waved back but then I saw my brother? what was he talking about to them so I rolled down my window and eavesdropped
Jb "Do you guys wanna come over? I'm sure my mom would love to see you guys!"
All "Yes! of course"
Jm "We'll follow you from behind"
He looked at me and he winked I was about to have a heart attack so I quickly rolled up my window and covered my face
*How can his wink be so sexy*
I heard a knock on the window and it was .. V (Kim Taehyung) He was smiling brightly at me and waved goodbye I just waved goodbye too.. and we drove off while... Bts was following us.
Couple Minutes Later ~
We arrived at the house and my mom opened the gate for us and parked in our driveway, We got out of the car and I was so glad to be home

I looked over at BTS and they were shook of how massive this place was Jm "Is this even a house or a castle?"Jk "I think it's a castle!"V "If it's a castle then she is our princess!" They looked at me and I blushed red they suddenly ran up to me a...

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I looked over at BTS and they were shook of how massive this place was
Jm "Is this even a house or a castle?"
Jk "I think it's a castle!"
V "If it's a castle then she is our princess!"
They looked at me and I blushed red they suddenly ran up to me and gave me a hug
Jk "So glad to have you back xD"
Y "You too cx"
S "Yah she isn't just a princess she's OUR princess now let's go inside"
We all laughed and went inside
M "Hello my lovely darlings ~ I mad-"
She looked at the seven boys and looked at me but she wasn't mad she was startled
M "Do we have guests?"
Y "Oh yes hi mom um you want me to introduce them?"
M "Oh well sure I mean I have to cook more plates but sure"
Y "Well let's start with ... Jin, then suga, then rapmon, and this is um V, and Jimin, ...And the Maknae! Jeon Jungkook"
All "Anasheo bangtan sameda"
M "Oh nice meeting you all but can any of you help me with cooking?"
Y "Ah Jin ca-"
I looked at thr kitchen suddenly because the fridge opened it was Jin ..
Jn "Ahhhhh fresh smell *looks back* come on ma'me what are we cooking cx"
M "O-Oh yes coming you guys can sit in the living room"
All "Ok"
I sat on the couch first and then Jimin sat down beside me then Jungkook on my other side and it started building up, I put on a scary movie
Jm "Scary.... Uhm I-I don't think I can handle that..."
Jk "Pffft come on hyung it's just a movie what could go wrong?"
Couple Minutes In the Movie
Jm "AHHHHHHHHH NO NO AHHHH *covers eyes* *hugs you*"
Y "Jimin are you really that scared"
Jm "Mhmmm"
Jk "Tck get off her she's mine too!"
Nm "Stop fighting shes none of ours for that fact"
M "Guys dinner is ready!"
Y "Were coming!"
We all got up and Jimin was still scared so he was still hanging on to me *laugh* he's so cute we walked to the kitchen and all of our eyes lit open.
V "Y-you cooked all of that?"
There were side dishes and chicken in the middle all of our dishes were full and the table was completely full, there were no pots and cooking suppiles in the sink and that was most suprising.
Jn "Don't tell me you don't like it.."
Y "N-no it's not that it's just wow *sits down* *stuffs mouth*"
Nm "This is so goooooooood!"
Jk "Wah Jin and Miss you are so good at cooking"
Y "Mmmmm yummy"
We all ate slowly because the food was too delious to eat fast. Sana and Tzuyu were enjoying it too so were Jb and Mark, our mouth were full so we couldn't even talk we enjoyed our food and it was getting late and BTS had to go back to their building, we waved good bye and they all hugged me Jimin my favorite hugged me the most and the hyungs just slapped him on the back to signal for him to let's go.
Jm "Bye Yoon!"
Y "Bye!"
They got in their car and drove off My mom closed the gate outside and we went to sleep
What you Wore to Sleep

Jm "Bye Yoon!"Y "Bye!"They got in their car and drove off My mom closed the gate outside and we went to sleep What you Wore to Sleep

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