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After school my hand hurted since I was writing a lot and taking notes a lot, BTS were standing next to me waiting with me for my Unnies and Oppas .. Then I saw my unnies they were looking at something

They noticed us and just ran to us T "Hi Yoon!"Y "Hey Tyuzu ready to go home?"T "Yup!"Sa "Wait what about Mark and Jb?"Y "Oh there already at home"T "Well then what are we waiting for let's go!"My unnies grabbed both of my arms and dragged me to t...

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They noticed us and just ran to us
T "Hi Yoon!"
Y "Hey Tyuzu ready to go home?"
T "Yup!"
Sa "Wait what about Mark and Jb?"
Y "Oh there already at home"
T "Well then what are we waiting for let's go!"
My unnies grabbed both of my arms and dragged me to the car with them while I was waving goodbye to BTS and they smiled and waved back
At Home
I went up to the door and unlocked it
Y "HI Mom?"
Jb was staring at me weirdly while eating a smore
After school my hand hurted since I was writing a lot and taking notes a lot, BTS were standing next to me waiting with me for my Unnies and Oppas .. Then I saw my unnies they were looking at something

They noticed us and just ran to us
T "Hi Yoon!"
Y "Hey Tyuzu ready to go home?"
T "Yup!"
Sa "Wait what about Mark and Jb?"
Y "Oh there already at home"
T "Well then what are we waiting for let's go!"
My unnies grabbed both of my arms and dragged me to the car with them while I was waving goodbye to BTS and they smiled and waved back
At Home
I went up to the door and unlocked it
Y "HI Mom?"
Jb was staring at me weirdly while stopping in the middle if his hot chocolate

They noticed us and just ran to us T "Hi Yoon!"Y "Hey Tyuzu ready to go home?"T "Yup!"Sa "Wait what about Mark and Jb?"Y "Oh there already at home"T "Well then what are we waiting for let's go!"My unnies grabbed both of my arms and dragged me to t...

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And Mark was just staring at me also and making his back face me

And Mark was just staring at me also and making his back face me

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Y "Where's Eomma?"
Ma "Oh she's not home yet ... she was supposed to be here at this time but I guess she stopped by some place.."
Y "Oh ok... what's for lunch?"
Jb "We acually don't have anything since all of us can't cook only mom can"
Y "Oh ... ok then i'll just go rest in the pool then"
Ma "Kk"
Sana and Tyuzu went upstairs and I also went upstairs to go change into my swimsuit,
Your Bathing Suit

 ok then i'll just go rest in the pool then"Ma "Kk"Sana and Tyuzu went upstairs and I also went upstairs to go change into my swimsuit,Your Bathing Suit

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You got out of your room when you got a phone call it was Eomma
Y "Yes hi eomm-"
? "Hello are you the daughter of this women?"
Y "Ah yes um... who's speaking?"
? "Ok then um this is the docter from nearby hospital your mom has been seriously ingured so if you would mind please come to the hospital and we'll explain what happened"
I dropped my phone and stood there blank and not feeling anything anymore ... Why.... Why my mom again why is this happening to me again *cry*
? "Hello miss .. miss are you ok hello?"
I went into my room and put on pants and ran into my unnies room
Ty "Yoon what happened? why are you crying?"
Y "Mom's in the hospital *sniff*"
They were frozen right there in that spot
Sa "M-mom?"
My unnies dragged me with them downstairs and my oppas were confused because we were all crying
Jb "What happened?"
Y "Mom's in the hospital because of a terrible accident"
They froze too then they got back to reality
Ma "Then what are you standing there for hurry get in the CAR!"
We all ran into the car and Sana started to cry harder and I hugged her Tyuzu just stared at the window crying and wiping her tears
At the hospital ~
We ran into the hospital and we went to the front desk
Y "Hi um you know where Ara Mina is in this hospital?"
? "Give me one second"
? "Ok so you have to take the elevator to the 2nd floor and go to your left and find room 121"
Ty "Thank you"
We ran towards the elevator and a random song was put on ... this music was not correct for the mood and couple seconds later we landed on the 2nd floor and found room 121, we all looked at each other and then nodded and creaked the door opened and infront of our eyes we saw my mom lying on the bed with her eyes closed ... I ran to her and cryed on her hand
Y "Eomma what happened to you *cry* please don't die I couldn't have lived if it were because of you"
I had a flashback of when she gave me my first warm hug

 I ran to her and cryed on her hand Y "Eomma what happened to you *cry* please don't die I couldn't have lived if it were because of you"I had a flashback of when she gave me my first warm hug

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I cryed even harder and Jb put his hand on my shoulder and then I hugged him too then my unnies cryed and we couldn't stop. That night we decided to stay in the hospital so I sat on the chair peacfully sleeping it was cold but I had to bare through it if I wanted to make my mom happy
Next Morning ~
I woke up and my unnies and oppas were still sleeping and I saw a docter checking my mom ... my eyes quickly opened and I tapped the docter's shoulder
Y "Is she ok?"
? "Ah you scared me but she is in a bad condition right now so I don't think there is a chance for her to fight through this"
Y "Can you please tell me what had happened?"
? "Well as you see when the cops had came they said that she had crashed her car into a tree and she hit her head really hard on the wheel and a piece of glass got into her arm so she's not going to be out in a month or until we are done"
Y "Thank you for telling me..."
? "Of course"
I looked at my unnies and oppas they were shocked as well and I guess they had woke up when we were talking I hugged my unnies hoping everything was going to be fine and we just stood there not moving one bit.
End ~

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