We finally meet

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I went to lunch when someone tripped me on the way in
Y "Ash not again I stood up and said sorry"
Then I looked at the person and it was the crazy girl I met before but she looked different this time her eye was purple and she was holding her stomach I couldn't hold back and laughe, I didn't know why it was funny but she was rude so payback right?
Then someone stopped her when she she was about to slap me again it was... One of the boys from BTS hm wonder why they stopped her she suddenly looked suprised and bowed
? "Ah Jungkook i'm sorry oppa"
She looked up giving him a sexy look but he wasn't confortable by the look on his face then he looked at me
Jk "Are you ok?"
Y "Y-yes thank you...."
He looked back at her
Jk "And don't call me oppa"
He grabbed my hand and he dragged me with him ... My heart felt like it skipped a beat... His hands were so strong and muscler but it made me feel happy somehow I never had this feeling before ... My emotions were mixed with Love, Shyness, Butterflies in my stomach, and Nausa but in a good way ... Then he stopped and I acciedently bumped into him on his back he turned around and he was crying

Y "A-are you ok?"Jk "Did she hurt you?"Y "N-no"He hugged me and my heart beated more fast I felt like I couldn't breathe anymore he hugged me tighter Jk "E-eh you don't know how much I missed you *cry*" I was so confused but I suddenly hugged him ...

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Y "A-are you ok?"
Jk "Did she hurt you?"
Y "N-no"
He hugged me and my heart beated more fast I felt like I couldn't breathe anymore he hugged me tighter
Jk "E-eh you don't know how much I missed you *cry*"
I was so confused but I suddenly hugged him back by the neck

Then I heard a boy shout his name Jh "YAHHHHHH JUNGKOOK SHE'S MINE TOO"We both looked behind him and J-hope was running towards md and hugged me too Y "*Oof* Ahahahaha Hi j-hope xD"Jh "Awhhhh hi princess" *Did he just say princess* *Blush* Jh " Aw...

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Then I heard a boy shout his name
We both looked behind him and J-hope was running towards md and hugged me too
Y "*Oof* Ahahahaha Hi j-hope xD"
Jh "Awhhhh hi princess"
*Did he just say princess*
Jh " Awh look at you blush"
Then a boy from my class walked up to me
Jm "Hi i'm Jimin *bow* sorry I didn't introduce myself ah this is V, Rapmonster, and Jin"
They all bowed and I bowed too I was still blushing red because J-hope called me princess I saw another boy started to cry while staring at my ring

Then I heard a boy shout his name Jh "YAHHHHHH JUNGKOOK SHE'S MINE TOO"We both looked behind him and J-hope was running towards md and hugged me too Y "*Oof* Ahahahaha Hi j-hope xD"Jh "Awhhhh hi princess" *Did he just say princess* *Blush* Jh " Aw...

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He suddenly looked away when he saw me looking at him and he wiped his tears fast I looked at all their fingers because I noticed something glowing from all their hands .... Their rings matched.... With my rings then my head started hurting and I fell to my knees
Jm "Yah! Yoon are you ok? Yoon-ah!"
I blacked out and had a flashback of my childhood and saw the boys clearly now they were.... The boys right now standing infront of me ... Was it really them .... I missed them so much and I never even wanted to let them go .... They had never broke the promise since we were little kids
*We promise... Promise..  Promise*
*Yoon! Yoon! YOON!*
I opened my eyes to find myself in the infirmary
Y "Ah *holds head*"
Nm "Yah Yoon take it easy"
He layed me back down but my head still hurted like hell, I looked around the room and my sisters and brothers and BTS were all here and they all looked worried,
T "Yah are you ok what happened?"
Jh "She clasped suddenly when she saw our rings"
Sa "Rings what rings?"
They all raised their hands and my brothers and sisters were shocked
Jb "You... Have the same ring as her?"
Nm "We were long lost childhood friends and now we finally found our little Yoon"
I saw J-hope crying and Jin

 Have the same ring as her?"Nm "We were long lost childhood friends and now we finally found our little Yoon" I saw J-hope crying and Jin

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Y "Guys don't cry

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Y "Guys don't cry... At least you found me right?"
Jh "Auh huh I just *sniff* missed you I thought you hated us since you were avoiding us and moved away why did you?"
Jn "Was it because you didn't like us?"
Y "No... It's not like that at all *cry* I missed you guys so much too and I never wanted to avoid you guys but I had too"
T "Why did you avoid them?"
Y "Because... I got abused and hit by my dad... If I talked to them he would've hit me with belts and bottles"
Jm "Why didn't you tell us?"
Y "Because I didn't want you guys to be invovled in the situation I didn't want you guys to get hurt..."
Nm "*Sigh* Yoon your more important to us more than anything it would have been better to see us dying and suffering instead of you"
Y "H-how could you guys say that? I didn't want you to suffer than I would have killed myself too"
Jk "Yoon please you were.... Our only friend when we were children and thanks to you Suga didn't suffer from depression no more"
Y "*cry* I'm sorry I just regret what has happened these past years I- I just missed you guys *cry*"
Jm "Don't apoligise"
They all surrounded me and gave me a hug and I hugged them back crying my heart out and so loud they hugged me tighter while my brothers and sisters were crying too they felt sorry and we all just hugged each other

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