First Kiss ~

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Suga P.O.V
I was still kissing her but then I inserted my tougue and that's when she broke the kiss
Y "Please stop.... I've never been kissed before"
Su "This is my first time too I'm sorry I took it too far"
Y "It's ok but are you ok your head feels hot and I heard a loud thump did you fall?"
Su "Ah yeah i'm si-"
I felt a pain in my head and held my head and stumbled back a few steps then Yoon grabbed my arm and put it over her head
Y "Are you ok Suga? you look pale"
End of Suga P.O.V
H clappsed and I fell too since he was so heavy so I slid him up the stairs and put him on his bed not going to lie going to lie he was really heavy but then the kiss flowed into my head *Ash that was my first kiss.... His lips were so soft* Then I slapped myself on the face *What was I saying* I just covered Suga with a blanket and went to my room .... But .. I couldn't sleep I kept rolling around in bed like some crazy animal and a few minutes later I finally sat up and just turned on my lamp .. It was 4:00 in the morning and that's when I got a flashback
Su *Oh yeah i'm sick*
Omo! I forgot to cure him dammit I jumped off my bed and ran downstairs to go get a small towel and cold ice water, I dipped the mini towel into the water and brought it upstairs I slowly stepped into Suga's room and put the mini towel on his head and took care of him the reat of the night
Morning ~°•
I woke up on the side of Suga's bed while Suga was just playing with my hair ... He suddenly noticed and blushed
Su "I'm sorry .."
Y "Sorry for what?"
Su "For waking you up"
Y "It's ok it's morning anyways"
Then we heard a knock on the door and then it slowly clicked open
Nm "Suga! time for- What are you doing here Yoon?"
Y "Oh Suga was sick last night and I fell asleep when I was curing him..."
Nm "Oh well you should have told me to help .."
Y "I didn't want to wake you it was 4:00"
Nm "Oh... Well you guys should get breakfast it might get your blood flowing more *smile*"
Then J-hope came in
Jh "Have you guys seen Yoon? she's not in her room-"
Y "I'm right here"
Jh "Oh yoon? why are you in here?"
Y "Suga was sick"
Jh "Oh... So you stayed in his room?"
Nm "She accidently fell asleep"
Jh "Oh ok let's go get breakfast"
Su "*Sigh* I'm going to rest a bit more"
Y "Ok then"
We three went downstairs leaving Suga alone when we got downstairs Jimin, Jungkook, and Jin were looking at us and waved hi since there mouths were stuffed with food I giggled a bit and sat down, Jin went to go get water and so did I because I was really thirsty .. So I got water and I accidently spilled some on the floor and that was a bad idea but my mind kept telling me *I'll clean it later what could go wrong?* We all got done eating and Suga was still upstairs .. It's been a while so I went to to the sink and put my dish in I was done and Jungkook was right behind me .. And the water puddle was infront of me.. I accidently stepped on it and slipped into jungkook's chest and that was also a big mistake because we both fell on the floor and .. I had PECKED HIM ON THE LIPS and everyone dropped their .. Whatever they had in their hands and Jungkook was shocked *WAEEEEE WAAAEEEEE* I quickly got up and and ran into the bathroom so that they couldn't see my red face why did this happen to me 😢😢😢 that was my second kiss.

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