Halloween Party Goes Wrong

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The party began and I on my mask because my costume was unknown princess

The party began and I on my mask because my costume was unknown princess

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So did my unnies so that we were the unknown princesses
Tyuzu's mask

So did my unnies so that we were the unknown princesses Tyuzu's mask

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Sana's Mask

Then we were all set and I opened the door, loads of people filled the house and I lost track of BTS while people were spreading in

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Then we were all set and I opened the door, loads of people filled the house and I lost track of BTS while people were spreading in... So I went outside and there they were welcoming people into the house they were gentlemens but then I saw the one and only BTS's you stole them away from me girl ... I don't even know what her name was and I didn't even want to know it, she suddenly hugged Jungkook
*Omg did I just say don't kay a finger on them did she forget because she's a  dumbass*
I felt my blood boiling so I walked up to her and pushed her off of Jungkook
Nm "Yoon?"
Y "Didn't I say don't lay a finger on them"
? "Tck I didn't know you were even invited to this party since you were such a nerd!"
Sana and Tyuzu suddenly went up to stand infront of me
Sa "You mess with them you mess with us which one you have a choice see hell or ignore them the rest of the night"
T "Choose"
She just stopped and stomped away with her ugly little ass
T "Are you guys okay?"
We all nodded and went to go grab a snack ... I was still pissed that she hugged Jungkook I couldn't even calm down one bit then someone touched my shoulder and saw ... Jin?
Jn "May I have a dance my lady? xD"
Y "Pffft Sure Prince Jin xD"
All the boys looked jealous and I grabbed Jin's hand while he offered

 Jin? Jn "May I have a dance my lady? xD"Y "Pffft Sure Prince Jin xD"All the boys looked jealous and I grabbed Jin's hand while he offered

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He led me to the dance floor outside in the backyard we had built together and began dancing while they boys were death glaring Jin...
Jk "I was about to ask her"
Jh "Calm down we'll get our dance"
Jm "*Argh*"
Nm "At least she's having fun it's fine"
V suddenly walked towards us and tapped Jin on his shoulder
V "My turn"
Jn "Wai-"
V grabbed my hand and danced with me
Nm "what is V doing? what if he makes Jin mad!"
Su "Auh that jerk"
Jin just walked to the rest of BTS and was still smiling and I smiled back giving them a signal I will dance with all if them so they all came to me and took turns then we all got tired and hung on the couch excusted but Suga wasn't he stuffed food into his mouth without manners .... Of course he would do that ... Then I looked around when something caught my eye a CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN! I ran towards and heard Jimin and Jungkook saying where I was going but I didn't stop until I reached the fountain, it was so beautiful and looked really yummy so I grabbed a plate and started to put fruit on ym plate and then BTS were watching me as I was stacking a whole bunch if marshmellows and fruit on my plate and dipped it into the fountain and enjoyed
All "Hahahaha Yoon xD"
Y "Come on you can't say no to this!"
Jm "Me too!"
Nm "Ok then"
Jk "Hahaha of course i'll try some"
V "Yummmm!"
Y "Come on Suga it's delious!"
Su "*sigh* Fine but i'm only doing this because you said so *pops one into his mouth*"
Then I felt a hand smack my plate onto my dress amd chocolate got everywhere
Y "Oh no...."
? "OOPS I'm sorry it was an accident"
*Cry* I ran to my bedroom because This dumbass girl ruined my dress and humilieated me infront of the whole school I reached the room BTS had set up for me and cryed on my bed, then I heard a knock but just ignored it
Jh "Yoon are you ok?"
Y "I want to be alone go away"
Nm "We can fix your dress Yoon"
Y "You can't it's smudged with chocolate"
Jm "I'm sure we can find you a better dress!"
Y "I was hummilated guys *cry*"
They all came and hugged me which made me calm down a little
Jh "I'm sure everyone dosen't care about it and wants to beat that little brat up .... Better?"
Y "Pffft yeah"
Jk "Here you could borrow one of my shirts and pants you could leave your dress here so we could see how to fix it"
Y "Thanks guys your the best"
Jungkook went into his room and came back with a box shirt and jeans and I went in the bathroom to change

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