Again? Why? ...

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My unnies and oppas went to the hospital with me to check how mom was doing I hope she didn't forget us ... We arrived at thr hospital and I went to mom's room, We creaked opened the door and saw mom eating in bed I was so happy she was awake! I ran to her and hugged her
Y "Eomma your doing well! I thought you were going to die"
Mo "Hi Yoon *pats my head* Don't worry I'm in a kinda good condition"
Mo "Hahaha Hi Tyuzu and sana"
Y "When are you going to get out of the hospital?"
Mo "They said maybe in a week or so ... I almost forgot you could have been starving all those days?"
Jb "Oh no mom we acaully moved into BTS's house"
Mo "Oh... I won't blame you does someone know how to cook there"
Sa "OH YES He cooks just like you mom!"
Mo "Hahaha how charming hows school"
Y "That's going alright too"
The door creaked opened and a nurse came in
Nu "Oh? we have vistors? I'm sorry guys but we have to check her up so you may have to leave"
Ma "Ok.... Then bye eomma"
Mo "Bye My Baby's"
She smiled and waved goodbye to us and we just went back home
At Bts's House
I rang the doorbell and J-hope opened it and let us in
Y "So what did we miss?"
I stepped on a puddle... A puddle of BLOOD? WTF I fell on my butt and was scared to death *WHY IS THERE BLOOD ON THE GROUND* Then Bts looked at me and my unnies and oppas were scared too,
Nm "Pfffft it's alright Yoon no one died"
I just stared at them still shocked
Sa "T-then what happened?"
Jk "Sorry it's my fault my bose bleeded a lot... Like a lot"
I was so relifed I almost passed out but luckly I didn't and J-hope helped me up, I took off my sock and it was dripping blood it was so gross and I tossed it into the washing machine
Y "Jesus guys don't scare me like that"
Nm "Hhahaha sorry Yoon but your the one who didn't see"
Y "*Sigh* Imma go change"
Jk "Ok!"
I went upstairs and took a bath I was so relaxed until I heard a knock on the door
Jh "Hey Yoon you left your ring make sure you never-"
And that's when I relized I didn't lock the door
Jh "What did you say wait let me go to you"
Y "No no no J-hope DON'T OPEN THE DOOR"
But too late he opened it I grabbed my towel and wrapped my body
Jh "As I wa- *stare*"
Jh "I didn't hear you i'm sorry"
Then Jimin came in *gosh COME ON*
Jm "Yoon I hear-"
He froze in his position and just stared
They both snapped back to reality and ran out the door and I locked it I was so reliefed they were finally out of the bathroom but I totally forgot that thdy had seen me half naked! JESUS How am I going to survive this house with 7 boys ...
Jimin P.O.V
I plopped myself on the bed blushing like a cherry what have I done wrong timing jesus! I nearly saw her half naked *sigh* why is my heart beating so fast Few just forget Jimin go to sleep *slaps face* I turned off the light and closed my eyes
Couple Minutes Later
And..... I couldn't sleep.. I was thinking about how I saw her in that towel I just decided to go and apologize to her so I tip-toes into her room and when I saw her she was sleeping by the window

 I was thinking about how I saw her in that towel I just decided to go and apologize to her so I tip-toes into her room and when I saw her she was sleeping by the window

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I wonder if she was really sleeping so I went up close to her making loud footsteps but... She didn't open her eyes ... I guess people sleep like that and that's when I gazed at her lips ... I was just staring at them and that's when I couldn't hokd back I wanted to kiss her so I sat on her bed and pulled her up to my face

I couldn't resist no more and kissed her I couldn't stop myself then I felt her arms sqeezing my shirt but I kept kissing her and inserted my togue and that's when she allowed me too and now we were playing with our togues I couldn't stop myself s...

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I couldn't resist no more and kissed her I couldn't stop myself then I felt her arms sqeezing my shirt but I kept kissing her and inserted my togue and that's when she allowed me too and now we were playing with our togues I couldn't stop myself she sqeezed my shirt tighter and I hugged her tighter, then she broke the kiss
Y "Hphm No.... I don't want to kiss that way"
I saw her slowly opening her eyes
Y "Jimin? why are you here and KYAAAAA WHY ARE YOU KISSING ME!"
She kicked me off the bed and I groaned
I kicked him off the bed suprisingly he groaned
Y "Ommo I'm sorry .... I got suprised"
Jm "It's ok..."
I touched my lips and his lips were full and warm I kinda liked it.... I don't know why... He just went out of my room and I fell asleep

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