February 2018 - March 2019 ((Dropped))
A young pretty college student is convinced that she has a crush on the hottie of her college, but this changes when she meets a... poor homeless man?
"What the heck was that?" I asked myself as I threw myself onto my bed. "First of all Kai notices me AND BUYS ME FOOD! Like, what is that about? Then I meet a hot stranger on the street and exchange life stories. He even called me cute! Ah! Too bad I probably won't see him again"
Once I had finished fangirling to myself I got dressed in my work clothes. At this point, I had a job at a local coffee shop in order to earn a living and pay for my Mother's hospital bills, of course you already know this.
Once I was dressed I grabbed my phone and left the house, walking to the shop which was only a minute or two away. The great thing about working here was I get discounts on coffee so it's not all bad. However, one thing happened that I was not expecting at all...
After a few hours of working, I only had an hour left, just then, one customer came in. He had black converse, black ripped jeans and a Gucci ghost bomber jacket. Wait a second, is that BaekHyun?
"Yo." He said to me, lifting two of his fingers to his forehead. "Fancy seeing you here (Y/N). Now I know you work here, I might come here more often." He smiled at me, showing his pearly white teeth.
"Oh. Um. Hello. Anyway, what would you like?" I asked.
"Did you forget? I have no money. I can't get anything." He said as he ruffled his hair up.
"Then why did you come in here?" I asked, tilting my head slightly to the right.
"Hmm? Oh. I came in here looking for a job. I've been to about five places now and no luck. Why is this happening to me?" He asked himself, ruffling his own hair once again in annoyance.
"Maybe it's because of what you're wearing," I answered, pointing at his clothes.
"What's wrong with my outfit?" He asked.
"Nothing, it's just not very smart. If you dress smartly, like in a shirt and tie or something, then the chances are you'd be more likely to get a job." I replied.
"Hmm. I'm sure I've packed loads of suits... Okay (Y/N), I'll try that. Thanks." He said before leaving the shop.
~~~~ BaekHyun's POV ~~~~
I decided to do what (Y/N) suggested and put on one of my suits.
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I decided to apply for a job in a company that seemed to be really popular in the area. I didn't even know what the job was, something about photos? Well, it doesn't matter, as long as I earn enough money.
The woman who was interviewing me wasn't looking at me with any sort of distaste, like the rest of interviewers I visited. Perhaps it's because I was actually wearing smarter clothes.
~~~~ 20 minutes later ~~~~
After the interview had progressed some, it seemed that the woman really liked me as she ended up giving me the job. I actually had the opportunity to start working straight away so I took it, the sooner I earned money, the better, seeing as I still need somewhere to live.
I ended up learning that the job I had gotten was for modeling, no wonder I got the job so easily. Have you seen my face?
I'm only joking, but I'd be lying if I said that I was unattractive. (Y/N) even said so herself, she called me handsome.
~~~~ (Y/N)'s POV (A few days later) ~~~~
I was on my way out of the college but just before I made it through the college gates I felt someone tap my shoulder, and so I turned around to see who it was...
It was Kai.
"Hey (Y/N). You wanna grab a bite to eat tonight?" He asked.
"Huh? Um sure. What time?" I asked in return.
Oh my God, is he asking me out?
"Hmm. Meet me here at 5 okay?" He said with a wink before walking out of the college, leaving me dumbfounded.
Once I had comprehended what had just occurred in my pathetic excuse for a life, a huge grin made its way upon my face and I began to skip home in joy. At this point, everyone had now left the college grounds, so the weird looks I was receiving weren't from anyone I knew.
Once I made it home, I immediately headed towards my dresser to find something to wear.
'I want to wear something cute but I don't want to look like I tried too hard.' I thought to myself as I shuffled through my clothes, that was until I had finally chosen an outfit.
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I don't often wear makeup, but I wanted to look good for Kai. So I applied some mascara and a little bit of lip gloss before leaving the house and heading back to the college.
I stood in front of the college gates and Kai was nowhere to be found. 'Maybe he stood me up...'
I pulled my phone out from my pocket and the time read 4:57 pm. '... Or maybe I just got here a little bit early.'
Just then, in the distance, I saw a tall, masculine figure approach me and straight away I knew it was Kai, so I gave him a smile.
"You weren't waiting here too long were you?" He asked, once he finally reached me.
"Nope. It's fine." I said, trying my best to hold back my goofy smile. "So, where are we going?"
"You'll see." He replied as he took my hand in his and began walking away from the college.