Part Five

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I'm not fine at all.

Why'd I think this was a good idea?

Oh yeah.

Because she would've wanted me to.

All my friends are happy I'm at prom.

I kind of am.

But it's not the same.

She should be here with me.

She should be enjoying this moment with me.

I hope they address her passing.

I sit here at what's supposed to be the best part of high school mourning my lost love.

My friends tried to cheer me up.

But it's hard when they're mourning too.

The principal gets on the small stage.

"Okay kiddies, we're about to announce prom king and queen." He said.

I rolled my eyes.

"Prom king is Ian Smith!" He exclaimed.

Of course.

The school's biggest jock.

As Ashley would say, "He's got the IQ of a ham sandwich."

He grabbed the crown and put it on his head.

"Go Cougars!" He yelled into the microphone.

"Alright. And prom queen is "Riley Roberts!" He announced.

Everyone went crazy.

She's the one who made Ashley do this.

"Oh my goodness! I was so not expecting this! You're all so kind to vote for me!" She exclaimed.

Everyone was cheering.

"Nice to see all you Cougars so hyped! Except for you!" She said pointing to me.

"Sad your girlfriend's dead? Well you shouldn't be. She meant nothing to this school." She remarked.

The room went quiet.

"What? You know I'm right. So what she can act? She's probably faking her death." She said.

The principal took the microphone away from her.

Everyone was dead silent.

"Let the music play!" He exclaimed.

Loud pop music blared but no one moved.

They all stood there.

An awkward air filled the room.

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