Part Sixteen

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I can't help but look at her Instagram.

I look at our last post together.

She was on my back and I was almost dropping her.

I read her caption.

Long story short, never get on Drew's back 😕

I smiled.

I remember that day.

We snuck out to meet at the park.

It was close to ten at night.

We hadn't seen each other all day so we were desperate.

She looked tired when I saw her.

Her face immediately lit up when she saw me.

She came running into my arms.

I felt her tiny body crash into me.

"I love you, Ash." I whispered.

"I love you more, Andrew." She said back.

We stayed at that park for like an hour and a half.

I told her I wanted to carry her back to her house.

She got on my back.

"Don't drop me." She said.

I leaned back slightly.

"Drew!" She said trying to be angry.

But I knew she was laughing.

"Ashley!" I yelled back.

"You said you wouldn't drop me!" She exclaimed.

"Okay, okay. I did." I said.

"Let's just take a picture." I said setting up my phone by a tree.

I was glad I set the timer on.

It was going to be a cute picture.

But I changed my mind.

I leaned back.

When I showed her, she said she was surprised how cute it came out.

"That's cause you're in it." I said.

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