Part Twenty One

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I woke up in tears.

All I remember was having a dream about Ashley and then checking the date.

Before I go to sleep, I kiss a picture I have of her.

Normally I have really good dreams about her.

Like she didn't actually die and we graduated.

Going to NYU together.

Our wedding day.

Having our first child.

Or her not dying at all.

But tonight it was different.

I had died because of natural causes.

Everything went back.

Then everything went white.

I saw her.

She was standing on the clouds in a short white dress.

She had angel wings and a halo.

"Ashley." I said.

"Drew." She said running to me.

We had finally been reunited.

I was holding her after all these years.

"I just want you to know, that I never saw anyone else after you died." I told her.

"That's what I love about you. Your loyalty." She smiled.

I looked down at her, about to kiss her.

Then, a strong wind kicked in.

She was being pulled away in the opposite direction.

A black cloud was pulling her away.

"Ashley!" I yelled. Her wings and halo burned off.

A firey pit opened up.

It was like the void was sucking her in.

She kept reaching for me.

She was gone.

Another angel came to me.

"She deserves to burn in Hell." The angel said.

"Riley." I muttered.

"Only druggies and depressed people go to Hell." She said.

"That's not fair! You're a murder! Bring her back!" I yelled.

She laughed at me.

"Pathetic. You're stuck with me. Guess you lost your girlfriend. Again!" She taunted.

I woke up immediately with tears down my face.

I checked the time.

My phone read three twenty four AM.

July seventh twenty eighteen.

I started sobbing.

It's Ashley's birthday.

I can't spend it with her.

She didn't live to see her eighteenth birthday.

We were going to get matching tattoos.

"Happy birthday, princess. I love you." I said hoping she was listening.

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