Chapter 2

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Sorry I haven't been updating for a short while QWQ (I couldn't exactly log into my account because of my password on top of that my email was being a pain >~<)

Going to be Teen Elsa's and Jack Frost's P.O.V~

Anyways here's the second chapter!~ <3


Chapter 2-Do you wanna build a snowman?

Elsa's P.O.V

Who or...What is behind me?..It can't be Anna...This voice was too low to be Anna...I closed my eyes,taking a deep breath;I turned around then opened my eyes. I came face to face with a young man whose eyes glittered As well as...loneliness?..Barely even noticing our noses was touching,I was eventually snapped back to reality as I blushed and kneed the man in the crotch. Before I could scream out for help my mouth was covered with a strong and firm,yet gentle hand.

Jack's P.O.V

Covering her mouth as well as enduring my own pain,I stretched out my right hand to face towards the door,pulling my hand back and thrusting it forward as a ice beam shot towards the door from my hands. Upon contact the door froze over. Freezing the door so no one could get in nor out or hear anything in the room. I released my grip on Elsa as I screamed and cussed out my pain as it went up my spine. In a few minutes I stopped then looked towards Elsa with a smile:

Jack:"May I ask again,Do you want to build a snowman?"

Elsa: -She stuttered and gulped as she moved back towards a corner and growled- "First of all who are you?!...And what do you want from me!"

Jack:"My name is Jack Frost,a winter spirit of fun and games. It's a pleasure to meet you Queen."


Sorry for the very late post I'll try to make up to you by making another chapter today >~< (And I'm currently in one of my classes typing up this story for you ;W;,Cause I love you guys QWQ)

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