Chapter 5

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Anna:But...I keep talking to the pictures on the walls...
Maleficent:Go on keep talking to the walls it's quite entertaining actually...
Elsa:I knew somethin-
Maleficent and Elsa:Not a good idea knowing he's...
Jack:Badass than all of you actually. :)
Elsa:A dumbass.
Anna:...Ah I see...
Jack:Is my presence not needed?..
Elsa:It's definitely not needed.
Elsa:...(You shut you mouth...Male-Le) {Telepathy}
Maleficent:(I can burn you pretty face into ashes Ice Queen,Besides you do have quite a crush on him?~) {Telepathy}
*Elsa sprang forward to Maleficent and strangled the fairy to death*
*Author wakes up and looks around:what happened?..
Anna:You were beamed with a staff~~
Author:How many chapters did I sleep through!
Anna:Just one~
Author:Oh my goodness I have to work on the chapter right away!

(Sorry I haven't been on lately,Being awfully lazy and not noticing things =w= BUT I HOPE YOU ENJOY~ )


Chapter 5 - Paintings and Moustaches

Elsa walked quietly down the hallway as she made her way to the Dining Hall to see her parents. She clasped her hands together and rubbed them together slightly to find warmth to calm herself down in someway,looking to both her left and right she glanced to see self-portraits of the previous Arendelle rulers other than her parents;to her surprise she found out a recurring thing the self-portraits of the kings shared: every one of them had a moustache. She chuckled to herself before she came face to face with the Dining Hall's door. Elsa took a deep breath:

Elsa:Conceal don't feel...don't let it show...

Placing a forced smile onto her face she grasped the door knobs with her hands;opening the door as she stepped in. The smell of chocolate lingered the in the air,calming her down slightly. As the doors was almost closed,the doors immediately flew open as Anna bounded in to the room with a happy,energetic look while Elsa topple onto the ground. Watching everything unfold the King and Queen gasped and ran over to Elsa, Extending his hand to Elsa the King offered to help his daughter up.

King:Are you alright Elsa? Are you hurt?!
Elsa:Im fine father..*smiles*

She stretched her hand out to take her father's until she retracted it back to her sides as she pushed herself up instead,afterwards dusting herself.

Anna:Oh my goodness! ELSA is that you! I-I mean are you okay! UMM..I mean a-
King:What your sister meant to say is are you fine.
*Elsa looked towards her before nodding:Im alright please don't worry about me...Anna..
*The Queen sighed sadly as she looked over at the three thinking to herself:fear will be your enemy...Elsa learn to control it...To spread joy to our kingdom...Don't shut yourself out from the world because of your powers of snow and ice..
King:Either way shall all of us be seated to talk about things?..
Queen:Yes we shall...but firstly let's eat dinner's been a while since we sat down together as a family...hasn't it.. *she smiled softly*

They all moved to the dinner table to sit down into their spots The King and Queen sat on one side while the two sisters sat on the other side. Elsa moved her chair relatively a away from Anna. To Anna's dismay she remained unaware of her sister's powers. In a few minutes four maids served the royal family with roast chicken with sides of peas and gravy. Everyone started to eat slowly,however Elsa went as far to poking her peas with her fork.

Queen:Elsa...Are you going to eat sweetie?...
Elsa:Im not as hungry at the moment...Im sorry mother...
*Anna stared at Elsa for a few moments until Elsa turned to face her to break their glances to each other.
*The King sighed and turned to face his wife:One day our family will be a family and we can all venture out into the kingdom together but for now...we shall wait...
Anna:So...H-How are you Elsa!? *she smiled brightly*
Elsa:Im fine what about you?
Anna:I feel excellent! Since I get to see you after all these years! I mean I don't even know why you shut me out! I wish...we can always be like this..
Elsa:same here...*she shuffled her chair to face Anna as she reached out to hug her*
*Anna teared up and smiled as she hugged her sister first:Elsa why did you shut me out...Why?...and...your hands they feel cold..
*Elsa's eyes snapped wide open as she let go of her sister,she shuffled backwards quickly to the point she almost fell off of her chair:Im sorry...I d-didn't...
Anna:Elsa! It's alright! You don't have to be so worried I mean its Winter!..It's natural for our hands to be cold...
Elsa:Didn't my hands feel like ice?...
Anna:Well yes but it doesn't matter!
*The King and Queen exchanged worried glances as they looked toward their daughters.
King:Girls lets just eat peacefully...It's a once in a month opportunity..
Queen:Yes a once in a month opportunity lets just our chickens happily...

Both the sisters sighed and exchanged glances before starting to eat...


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