Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 - At The Dinner Table

A silence loomed over the family as they ate their share of food. As her personality suggests Anna ate her chicken much like a man or a better explanation a pig,she hungrily ate with both her hands as she munched on a drumstick in each of her hand. However Elsa went as far to eating her peas with a fork deciding not to eat her chicken yet. The King and Queen couldn't help but stare at the two and compare the sisters to each other.

King:They are quite odd aren't they my dear?.. *smiles*
Queen:Two different peas in a pod...
Queen:What's wrong?
King:Nothing...I was just wondering if we should tell Anna about you know...Elsa
Queen:As much as I want to...I want Elsa to say it herself...Since I want her to trust Anna much more than what her trust is right now...
King:I see however...How long do you think she'll stay in the room?
Queen:I hope she doesn't stay in the room much l-

Before the Queen could finish her sentence a strong gust of wind flew the windows wide open,in reaction Anna started to choke on her chicken by surprise.

*Anna chokes
Elsa:OH MY GOD ANNA ARE YOU OKAY? *Jumps out of her seat as she started to pat Anna's back worryingly*
*Anna coughs and coughs till she managed to spit out a chicken bone:Well...Im fine now! :D Nothing to worry!
Anna:Im fine Elsa! Don't worry!

As the two sisters continued to talk to each other about the choking event,The Queen got off of her seat and walked to the window as she was about to shut it a cold sensation went down her spine. The Queen blinked a couple of times before shutting the window and heading back to her seat. By the time she got back to her seat the sisters finally settled their "little argument" and Anna had returned to her hungry self.

Elsa:Anna...can you eat more slowly...
Anna:Can't Elsa...Too hungry...mmmm...This chicken tastes good! Who was the cook for this fine beast!
*Elsa sighed and smiled and thought to herself:Your still the same Anna....thank goodness...
???:So you should go back to being yourself then.
*??? Touches Elsa's shoulder gently:or you could go with me?~
*Elsa shrieked and stood up from her chair:NO I DON'T WANT TO GO WITH YOU.
*The King,Queen and Anna looked at Elsa with a confused look:Elsa?..
*Elsa blushed then sat back down looking at her plate:Im sorry...It's nothing...I umm...just wanted some...MORE PEAS YES!
King:Alright! *blinks then passes Elsa the peas bowl*
Elsa:T-Thank you! *Takes a small amount of peas until the bowl was dunked entirely on her plate*
Queen:You sure love peas Elsa...*Laughs*
*Elsa looked behind to come face to face with none other than the "Jackass" himself:YOU SON OF A B-
*Jack placed a finger on her lips:I wouldn't say that if I were you Elsa~~
Elsa:What do you m-
*The King and Queen exchanged weird expressions to each other then looked at Elsa
*Anna in the meanwhile stopped eating then stood up to finish Elsa's sentence:...BUTTER!


Author:Yes butter.
Elsa:Some way to end a story...Butter...
Anna:Butter is yummy though so yeah...:3
*Jack shoved a block of butter into everyone's faces for no apparent reason other than to annoy people
*Elsa shoved her fist into Jack's face in return:What was that for!??
Jack:You look better with butter on and...Butter is good for the sk-
*Elsa knees Jackass in the crotch:Are you saying I don't look pretty?
*Jack fell down clutching his balls:QWQ YOU LOOK GORGEOUS
Elsa:That sounded like sarcasm to me just now!
*Anna held her sister back and dragged her away while wiping the butter of her face and Elsa's:...Soft Elsa...Warm Elsa...Little ball of fur,happy Elsa...sleepy
Elsa:Im good now thanks sis...*about to walk away*
Anna:Good Els-
*Elsa beated the crap out of Jack with snowballs
*Maleficent glared at everyone still having butter on her face as she beamed everyone with her staff behind their heads except the Author:Prickles...

(So I recently watched the new movie "Maleficent" that came out on May 29 2014 (watched it on May 30 though) and OMFG IT WAS AMAZING IT LITERALLY is...FLAWLESS I REPEAT FLAWLESS! But it has quite a few differences to the 1959 "Sleeping Beauty" movie such as the fairies~ so yeah if you haven't seen it...I advise you to see it! You won't regret it!)


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2014 ⏰

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