Chapter 4

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Elsa:Jack...Have you learned your lesson...?
Jack:N- Yes I have,I have learned my lesson Elsa...(maybe..ehehehe)
Elsa:Thank goodness...Other wise I would hav-
Anna:Do you wanna build a snowman?
Anna:Okay bye!..
Maleficent:Let me start the story fools were getting to an interesting part here!
Jack,Elsa and Anna:alright...;3;
Author:What h-happened?..Elsa..Jack and Anna...Male- *The author was beamed on the back of her head by Maleficent's staff)
Jack:W- oh...MALEFICENT...Why do you do this!
Anna:That would have hurt...aha..ha..ha?
*Elsa placed a blanket on the author:The story must go on...
Maleficent:Exactly but the way I want it for now!

[Since the Author is "dead" the magnificent Maleficent shall do the story herself since she is not occupied with any other activities~]
(Children this shall be in my P.O.V since I do well in this P.O.V apparently~)

Chapter 4-The deal of frost and ice

Elsa: (calm yourself...No need to exert yourself over a...little..kid)
Jack:I've only seen you a few times naked no need to get angry and upset quickly!

-A few minutes of silence has passed-

Elsa:Would you care to tell me the exact number if you can?..
Jack:hmm...Let me see...I saw you naked when you accidentally spilled water on yourself...And another time when your face was covered in chocolate...An-
Elsa:YOU KNOW WHAT STOP! AHAHAHAHA! It seems you've seen me naked multiple times! NOT ONLY DO YOU STALK ME,YOU KNOW MY NAME...YOU KNOW MY SISTER...You also know a lot about me!...MAYBE EVEN THINGS I DONT KNOW AND RECALL MYSELF!

Elsa took a few deep breaths before glaring at Jack,her right hand curled into a fist,causing Jack to retaliate a little.

Elsa:I have know found a reason to why I should turn your face and your life upside down..
Jack:Before you do that! This isn't the way to treat your subjects! There's another way to solve this other than violence!
Elsa:A princess can treat her subjects the way they are supposed to be treated and what other way?...Frost

Jack contemplated his next move,he smiled then opened the window cautiously.

Jack:Well forgiveness is a good place to start!

She shrieked then picked up one of her pillows from her bed and flung it at Jack. He only responded by catching it,he smirked then walked closer to her handing it to her in her arms before brushing a bit of her hair out of her face.

Jack:I guess princesses can throw tantrums as well Mhmm~...

Elsa blushed violently before punching the man in the gut. Jack as if he read her mind responded quickly by catching her fist,using her fist to his advantage he pulled the tantrum ridden girl closer to him. She twitched her eyes,not only was he a perverted stalker,he was a creep...A CREEP...however she did not retaliate by pushing him away she simply stayed in his arms. To her his arms felt like a place of safety and comfort.

Jack:Despite meeting me for the first time,your taking quite a fancy to me already. Is the princess of ice falling in love with me so quickly~ *he hugged her tightly*

Without even knowing what was happening until a door knock could be heard,Elsa struggled out of Jack's grip. Her eyes wide awake with fear and worry as she looked to the door. Jack noticing this touched her shoulder and whispered once again.

Jack:I'll be your guardian and I shall help you control your powers of ice and snow.

Jack un-freezed the door with his magic before floating quickly out of the window into the sky,as a strong gust of wind closed the windows behind him. Elsa quickly fixed herself up then opened the door to only be greeted by a maid.

Maid:Mistress Elsa your parents seek your presence this evening will you please attend to hear their wishes.
*Elsa nods:Of course I shall...However is my sister also with them?..
Maid:Yes your highness...
*Elsa:I see...You may be off now...
*The maid bowed down before walking off to alert the king and queen
Elsa:...Conceal don't feel don't let it show..

Elsa moved backwards before closing the door,the door knob was covered in frost. She jumped back as she took notice...

Elsa:Don't let it show...Conceal don't feel...Don't let it show...

She fell to the ground crying,as her tears touched the cold floor;frost started to form in the shape of a snowflake. Not even noticing that Jack had been watching her outside from the window with a worried face as he averted his eyes to her shaking form...


Maleficent:What do you think?~
Elsa:You made me sound like a psychopathic,depressed woman!
Maleficent:That's because you are dear.
Anna:You know...she is right sis...
Elsa:...;-; I am so hurt...
Jack:I did a great job impersonating me Male-Le~ <3
Maleficent:Tha- Male-Le where did you get that embarrassing nickname?
Jack:From Anna.
Anna:Wait what?!..
Maleficent:Please don't call me Male-Le but call me...Maleficent or I'll burn you both into ashes.
Jack and Anna:We're so sorry! Please don't Burn us! :< so hurt...pain....sister...Male-Le...
Maleficent:...Excuse me what did you say Elsa?...
Maleficent:I see...carry on with your depression session then.
Anna:Do any of you wanna build a snowman with me?

Please comment or fav since it helps me a lot. ^^
Also I'd appreciate if someone can tell me on what I should work on since Im still unsure of how everything works together in stories to create a masterpiece. ;W; QWQ
Im sorry if Im asking too much >~< I just don't want you guys to get bored of my story half-way. ;__;

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