Chapter 3

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I grabbed Nat's jean's belt loop, tugging him towards me. He put down the can of soda on the island while I ran my hand through his hair and pressed my lips against his. It took him a second to react but he did and he kissed back roughly and pushed me against the fridge. I heard Chris' loud feet storm out the kitchen and back into the living room. I then moved my way out from between Nat and the fridge. I pranced upstairs without turning around, leaving Nat in the kitchen.

        A few hours passed and I heard a knock on the door. "Yes?" I said, not raising my head from a new book I was reading.

        "So this is your room?" Chris said. I quickly stood up.

        "What're you doing in here, Chris?" I asked. Normally I don't mind people in my room but he's that one exception.

        "It's time to go to the party." He said, not making eye contact. I could hear it in his voice that he wasn't so pleased with my actions from earlier but I didn't care. He didn't have the right to get mad anyways.

        "Okay, let's go." I said calmly. I don't want to start any trouble. I partly just want to get the night over with so I can go back to reading my book. I was really into it.

        Chris looked me up and down. "You're going wearing that?" He scoffed. I looked down at what I was wearing. A plain black shirt that hung slightly off the shoulder and skinny jeans.

        "What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" I asked. Personally, I loved it.

        Chris pulled up my shirt a bit but it sunk back down immediately. I shrugged and walked passed him to the front door. The car wasn't there but Chris' still was. "They left a few minutes ago." Chris said, quietly coming up behind me.

        "Well then we should too!" I said and rushed out the door, not wanting to be in the house alone with him much longer. 

        The car ride was mostly silent, other than the whisper of the radio. Chris drove us to the house and I went straight to looking for Noelle and Krista without saying a word to Chris. I immediately found Noelle with Matt. She seemed to be having too much fun for me to disrupt it. I couldn't find Krista anywhere. But then again, this house was huge. After a few minutes, I gave up. There were so many people here and the music was too loud for me to call out her name. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a beer. With each gulp I took, I winced a bit because the taste. I didn't like it but there was nothing else and I didn't want to get too drunk.

        I walked around the house. I didn't want to go on the makeshift dance floor. It seemed like everyone from school was here. Ranging from 8th graders to alumni. This Ryder person must be pretty sneaky to be under my radar but still have a party this big. 

        "You look familiar." I jumped as a person put his hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see an unfamiliar face. Who could this have been? I look familiar to a lot of people. 

        "Well I'm pretty commonly known." I smirked. Why lie? 

        "I'm Hunter Ryder." The boy smiled and held out his hand. I couldn't help but study him. He was tall and his facial features were pretty prominent. But he had shortish brown hair with green eyes.

        I shook, "I'm Anna." I smiled. "I'm assuming this is your party." 

        "I've never heard of you." he smirked. "You bet it is my party." Hunter nodded and spoke proudly. "Just moved here from New York. I'm glad I can be in a house big enough to throw a party now."

        Hunter took a step towards me and I noticed the red cup in his hand. I smiled softly and tried to take a step back but the wall was behind me. Instead, I put my hands in front of me innocently and he got the hint.

        Hunter and I had were having a normal conversation. We were sitting on the floor. It wasn't comfortable but it was better than standing. I guess he stayed talking because he felt he couldn't just walk away. I love talking to people no matter what it's about. While Hunter was rambling on about his life in New York, my eyes trailed off and I saw Chris dancing with another girl. I felt my jaw tighten but I tried to focus back on Hunter. Was I really about to get jealous about Chris? The guy I hate? Not possible. I won't let it happen. 

        I put my finger over Hunter's lips and stopped him in the middle of his sentence. He looked confused. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him roughly. He pulled me on top him and I heard a door creek open slowly. "Hunter... Anna..." I heard coming from a familiar voice.

        I looked up quickly to see Nick standing halfway out of the room. His hair was all messy and he was wearing pajamas. A few other heads peaked out of the room. 

        "I told you and your fucking friends not to leave your room for the night!" Hunter yelled at Nick. 

        "We were hungry." Nick mumbled.

        "Get in your room." Hunter said angrily. 

        "Whatever." Nick said and slammed his door. He had 3 other people in his room from what I could see.

        It took me a moment to realize what just went on. "You and Nick are-"

        "Brothers, unfortunately." Hunter rolled his eyes and stood up. I did the same. 

        "Well, I'm going to go downstairs." I said awkwardly and scratched the back of my head.

        Hunter pouted, "What, I don't get any action Miss Anna Semeca?"

        "So you have heard of me." I chuckled lightly.

        "Well, I mean.." Hunter trailed off.

        "You mean what?" I asked, getting annoyed.

        "Well I heard you're a nice fuck." He looked at me with a seductive smirk. There was no way I was going to let that happen. Without saying anything, I wen't downstairs and back into the kitchen. 

        I finally found Noelle alone and I told her what happened. She was drunk out of her mind so she wouldn't remember it in the morning. I don't really think I want her to remember. I think it's something I should keep shut. While trying to keep Noelle from falling face first, I thought to myself,  'Nick gets bullied in school and what if he gets bullied at home? He can't be safe in either place and it's my fault.' I had to go upstairs and talk to him.

        I led Noelle to a couch and walked upstairs, making sure not to be caught by anyone. I knocked on the door lightly. I didn't say anything in case he wouldn't let me in. Through the vibration of the blasting music, I felt the door unlock. I walked in and shut the door behind me.

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