Chapter 12

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            A pain shot through my head when I woke up and I felt a tear roll down my eyes. Two arms tightened around me.  I kept my eyes shut and curled into a ball on whoever’s lap I was sitting on. It smelt like vanilla. A hand brushed through my hair and I winced in pain. The hand immediately stopped.

            I turned my head slowly to see Nick. I wasn’t shocked. My stomach dropped for a moment. “How are you feeling?” He asked. His voice sounded so concerned and smooth. I didn’t want to answer. I just wanted to lie in his arms and listen to his smooth voice.

            “I’m fine.” I whispered.

        Nick looked at my cheek. “It’s just a little red.” He smiled slightly. I looked around and finally noticed we were in the backseat of a car. The car was parked outside of Rite Aid. The driver was gone but Hunter was in the passenger’s seat.

        “What happened?” I spoke louder.

        Hunter turned around and looked at me. “Well looks who’s awake.” He smiled wide.

        “It doesn’t matter what happened.” Nick said. “All that matters is that you’re okay.” His lip was split and he had a black eye. Hunter looked fine and they were both still wearing suits.

        The door opened on the driver’s side and a man with short blonde hair sat down. He turned around and looked at me. “How are you feeling, Anna?” He asked. I squinted my eyes to focus. My sight and hearing were a little off.

        “Matt?” I asked as my eyes focused on him. He nodded and his blue eyes sparkled. I could always see why Noelle liked him.         “I’m fine.” I said. Matt turned around and started the car. Matt was on the football team, how did he ever get himself into something like this?

        A sharp pain flowed through my head once again. I winced and locked my jaw shut. Nick rubbed my back. “You’ll be fine, love. Just be prepared to have headaches the next few days.” Of course this happens now. In the beginning of the week. I closed my eyes and let myself drift back off into sleep. I wasn’t going to school tomorrow.

            “Wake up. Come on, Anna, wake up.” I was lightly being shaken awake by Nick. “It’s time to go to school.” He said softly. I rubbed my eyes and shook my head.

            “I’ll watch after her.” Matt said, patting Nick on the back. They whispered something to each other then Nick left.

            I waited until it was silent to start talking. “What got you into this mess?” I asked Matt who was now sitting next to me.

            Matt shrugged and played games on his phone. I laid back down on the couch and put my feet on Matt’s lap. I quickly fell back asleep.

            “Wake up.” Hunter spoke softly and put his hand on my knee. “We’re home.” I looked outside of the car and saw the empty driveway. Good.

            “Did I sleep all day?” I groaned, opening the car door. Nick was driving. I stepped out of the car and fixed my shirt.

            “Yes. Nick is going to stay here and make sure you’re doing well.” Nick got out of the car and Hunter took his place in front of the wheel. “Stay safe. You’re important.” Hunter said and kissed my forehead and drove off.

            I unlocked the door and walked inside, kicking off my shoes. Nick followed. This was the first time we had been completely alone. I sat on the couch and stared at the black TV. “Would you like me to get you something?” Nick asked. He was standing by the door with his hands behind his back. He looked as if I had trapped him in that one small spot.

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