Be Happy

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During Lunch....

Tyson: why are you so sad

Me: I just am

Tyson: well smile!

Me: what if you have depression?

Tyson: whatever! Just keep smiling!

Me: but what if-

Tyson: look, I'm not good at this kind of stuff. But I was put on this earth to make people happy! Even when I'm not happy, I make other people happy! Go have some candy

Me: I don't like candy, sorry

Tyson: have a chocolate bar

Me: I don't want a chocolate ba-

Tyson: yes you do, you've gotta stop worrying, just be happy. Don't worry, be happy

Tyson: bye!

Honestly, Tyson (that's not his real name btw) is one of my favourite people to be around. He's so uplifting and he's crazy talented!

P.S. I wasn't sad, I was more disappointed. We started playing Floor Hockey in gym, and the guys were being big dicks about it. They started asking me to switch so they could play with their friends, and I hadn't even played my second game yet. Even though they asked me to switch, they weren't even gonna play anyway because it was the last game. And then when I walked out of the change room, they gave dirty looks like it was my fault they didn't get to play. Yeah, I'm a bad player, but at least I was a team player. I didn't ask them to switch so I could play on a team with my friends, I stuck to the team I was with. Yeah, I may be bad, but at least I tried. (Plus, their team lost anyway)

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