Chapter 15: The Kid, the Fox, the Tiger, and the Star

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Chapter 15

Firenze the Centaur approached Star, Echo, Dev, and the students with a loud clopping of his horse legs and hooves. He was very tall, with dark hair and a wild look. His features, like that of all Centaurs, were larger in proportion to a normal human's. His flanks were muscular, as were his torso and arms, built like a bodybuilder. He spoke with a deep timbre and rumbled like thunder. The other members of his herd circled slowly around the group, warily. Dev noticed that though the Centaurs had lowered their bows, their arrows remained nocked on their strings. Dev knew that, though relations had improved between Centaurs and wizards in recent years, the Centaurs remained chary and mistrustful of those with wands. Dev knew not to be offended at their attitude towards them; over the years his father had taught him to respect Centaurs with the utmost reverence.

"How do you know us?" Star asked, walking up to Firenze. The Centaurs around him raised their bows, arrows nocked and ready to fly at a moment's notice. Echo and the others were taken by surprise, surrounded by angered Centaurs.

"No, brothers!" Firenze shouted. He raised his arms, trying to calm the other Centaurs. They stood, arrowheads thirsty, ready to fly.

"Whoa, dude! What's the big idea?" Star asked, using all her strength to refrain from raising her wand.

"Forgive them, Ms. Saoirse," Firenze spoke. "Your presence offends them."

"What? Why?" Star asked. "What did I do?"

"It is because of your predicament, Ms. Saoirse," Firenze answered. "We have not had favorable dealings with the Nosferatu in either of their forms in the past."

"Dude, I have a soul!" Star shouted. "Vampires don't have souls!"

"You have a soul?" Firenze asked.

"Yeah," she replied, "It's complicated. Heck, I don't even know where to start."

"Forget about that for now," Echo interjected. "What did you mean by it was our time to 'rise', Firenze?"

"The time is now to do what you need to do, Ms. Lestrange," Firenze spoke.

"It's Turan," Echo corrected him, "Echo Turan. I don't go by that name anymore."

"My apologies," Firenze said. The other Centaurs finally lowered their wands, but kept their arrows nocked and bows at the ready. "I only call you the name I have seen written in the heavens. We have long studied the stars, the heavens, and the celestial bodies for guidance, wisdom, and discernment. We watch the clouds and listen to the earth as it speaks up to us. We see the birds as they fly and the dragon as he rests. For some time we have watched the events that surround you and your friends with interest and a little bit of prayer. We have watched the stars and waited for moments like these. The time has indeed come: Mars, Jupiter, and Neptune are aligned. The shadow looms with an eager heart. Life and death intermingle with love and hate. The earth cries from below and beckons the stars. Pluto looms over all things. The phoenix shall rise with the sun. From the ashes shall come a hope that will kindle hope. The Fountain shall spill over and life will be renewed. The six points of the compass shall converge at one place. The raven shall crow its last. Gemini shall be separated. The rain shall cover the heart. Heed my words, children of men." Firenze turned to the two Centaurs close to him. "Bane, Magorian, let us make haste. There is much to watch in the stars tonight."

"Wait!" Echo asked. "What does all that mean?"

"That," Firenze spoke as he turned to leave, "Is for you to decipher. We merely watch these things happen and take no part in their results."

"You don't, noble Firenze?" Digger asked, "Aren't thou the same Centaur that once taught Divination classes at Hogwarts?"

"Yes, I am," Firenze said, "Out of respect for Professor Dumbledore and the need for a Divination professor. Since then I have rejoined my herd. We have decided to abstain from participating in these coming days."

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