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"when jungkook comes," namjoon swallowed some saliva to moisten his throat. "what happens?"

for some reason he was incredibly nervous. he didn't feel comfortable even being in the room with the blond haired male anymore. nothing was adding up and it was giving him a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.

"he's violent." the young male's eyes filled with tears as the words came out as a choked out whisper. "he hurts me a lot of the time."

although namjoon didn't want to keep pressing him for answers, it was his job. he needed to find out more information— especially now that nothing was making sense.

"what does he do to you exactly?"

"it's different all the time." jimin spoke, bringing his knees back up to his chest like how he was sitting before the other male started interviewing him. "sometimes he kills small animals in front of me, sometimes he just tries to humiliate me, sometimes he hits me, sometimes he touches me, sometimes he makes me hurt myself, and sometimes he's really nice to me."

"what happens when he's being nice?"

at this point, namjoon didn't even know why he was continuing to ask questions and stay in the room talking to him. he could easily just get up and leave, but he wasn't. the story was so odd that he was honestly interested to see what else jimin had to say.

"he makes me feel like i'm important. one day he'll be hitting me until i'm unconscious, and the next he'll be telling me how much i mean to him."

"why do you think he suddenly switches the way he treats you? is there something that triggers it?"

"jungkook only does it when i'm suicidal. he knows if i kill myself, he'll die too."

the room seemed to get colder each minute, even the figures seemed to be acting unusual. it was odd for them not to be doing anything other than staring and mocking jimin when jungkook wasn't there, but they weren't.

"what exactly..., is the difference between the figures and jungkook? why are they so afraid of him?"

the image of the brunette male flashed into jimin's head. his appearance would forever be engraved in his memory for as long as he lived. for someone so awful, jungkook was beautiful. he was like a demon in the form of an angel.

"he looks just like a regular person. it took me weeks to even realize he wasn't real."

deciding this would be a good idea to finally speak up about what was on his mind, namjoon finally met eyes with jimin again. he let out a sigh, not having the slightest idea about how to explain this to him. this was even harder than telling someone they did have a mental disorder.

"jimin, i dont think you're a bad person, and i don't want to suggest anything, but would you say your family spends enough time with you?"

jimin immediately frowned. "i haven't talked to my family since i moved out last year."

"in that case," namjoon rephrased his initial question. "do you have any friends or a roommate?"

the blonde again shook his head. "i live in my apartment by myself, and jungkook says i'm not allowed to have friends."

finally the man came up with a conclusion. to him, the answer was now clear. jimin wasn't sick, he was lonely and this was an excuse not to be. he was saying all these things happened to get the attention that he had clearly been deprived of.

"jimin, i think the problem here is that you're tired of being alone, not mental illness. you're making up these scenarios in order for people to pay attention to you."

the blond's mouth went slack at the words. even the figures in the corner completely silenced at what he had just said. this was fucked up. completely and utterly fucked up.

"you think i've been hurting myself all this time on my own? that i tried to kill myself for attention? i didn't even know my neighbor would come over. i was actually trying to end my life."

"but you said that she had your mail for some reason. who's to say you didn't put it in her box so that she'd come over and find you? you knew that you wouldn't die when you hung yourself, didn't you?"

jimin couldn't even find the right response for that. how could he think such a thing? how dare he say that he hung himself knowing he would be found before he ran out of oxygen?

namjoon wrote something down on the bottom of the page on the clipboard before standing up. in his opinion he had figured everything out and didn't need to waste another moment in here. before he could leave however, the teenager stopped him.

"so now what? you think i don't have any mental issues so does that mean i'm just going to be released?"

"of course not," namjoon shook his head. "that'd be foolish. we're just keeping you here until we're sure you're not going to try and kill yourself again, and then we'll let you go."

"but i'm not okay. i need professional help." he begged, standing up as well and grabbing onto the man's arm to keep him from leaving.

"the tests say nothing is wrong with your brain, jimin."

"well the tests are wrong! i can hear them in my head! i can see them all around me!"

tears were now coming out of jimin's eyes. he was literally ready to beg the man at this point to help him get rid of all the things in his head. he wanted to get better. he didn't want them inside of his mind anymore.

"there's nothing i can do." namjoon stated firmly as he gently tugged his arm back out of the younger's hold. "i can't prescribe you anything to help if you show no physical signs of having anything other than depression. i'd lose my job if i did that."

"please!" jimin sobbed, trying to convince him. "i can't live like this! they're never going to leave me alone unless you help!"

namjoon knocked on the door, signaling that he was ready to go. the two guards opened it up for him and let him out. as jimin took steps towards the psychiatrist leaving his room, the two muscular men quickly locked the door back up. at this point it was hopeless. the man was already gone.

he was stuck with them. he was never going to be normal. they were never going to disappear.

just before anyone starts making theories, there is absolutely no paranormal activity in this story

jungkook and the figures aren't ghosts or anything, they're just apart of jimin's mind

hope you enjoyed this chapter n look forward to future updates as well !

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