☤twenty one

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jimin laid stiffly on the chair as he waited for namjoon to finish looking through the freshly printed paperwork with his partner, both hunched over a few different clipboards and monitors while they compared it to the results in the peach haired man's hands.

the blond boy drummed his fingers against his upper abdomen as he patiently tried to pass the time and keep his racing heart at bay until they were done with the analyzation and made a proper decision about whether or not he could leave. jimin didn't even flinch as he lightly tapped the pads of his fingertips against the markings jungkook had carved into his body back when he was in the confinement room. in fact, jimin clenched his hand, letting his fingernails dig into the still healing cuts.

honestly, it was a miracle they weren't infected. his id card was probably dirty and made from cheap plastic, having something like that slice into his flesh was probably a recipe for even more excruciating pain along the way. that was likely jungkook's idea in the first place.

he could feel the letters engraved on his skin fill a bit with blood, but not enough to leak through the fabric of his shirt or spill over the raw split skin it took home in the trenches of. these initials would be forever marked on his body, the owner of them making it clear who jimin belonged to.

he wasn't his own person anymore. he wasn't in control of his body anymore. he wasn't the only person in his mind anymore. jungkook owned him.

a figment of his imagination that he himself had created now had ownership over him. how fucked up can someone be to have that happen to them? to lose themselves to something that didn't even exist. there was no wonder why he had no fight left in him.

jimin could only look away after a frustrated noise left the psychologist a distance away, pulling at his pinky-orange locks at whatever he had just printed off from the monitor was showing. his partner had a lot more composure in front of the patient, but his shoulders visibly fell as well at the results. he had no doubt the test had shown something the tall male with a phd didn't like.

"go tell the boss what happened, ask him what the hell we're supposed to do with this."

his partner nodded with the same discontented expression, quickly leaving the room while pulling a radio out of his back pocket to most likely talk to the medical director. namjoon really couldn't believe this had to happen now of all times. the scanning system had completely reset, printing off only a blank paper instead of whatever the monitor was supposed to be showing. the equipment just had to malfunction during such an important exam, didn't it? that was the joy of technology.

jimin kept quiet as he watched the older man pace around, sparing him glances every time he walked towards his direction and back again. he was exhausted with the whole thing to say the least. he had been stressing so much over park jimin lately after he started getting these weird feelings in the pit of his stomach that something wasn't right. now, the day his patient got the opportunity to be released, much to his newfound discomfort, the machine that recorded and printed out the test results for him to examine and get the final answers to had suddenly stopped, something he had never seen it do before. he just wanted this over with.

The door opened again rather harshly, startling the poor boy sitting on the chair dangling his legs mindlessly, trying his best to block out random shadow figures standing around the room looking over at namjoon's clipboard as if trying to understand what was happening as well. "joon," the man in his forties sighed at his partner, already knowing how he was going to take the news. "dr. gwan said to bring him to the front wing."

jimin tilted his head at the words, not understanding exactly what that meant. he just wanted to leave here. he wanted to stop sitting in this stupid chair in this stupid room for what felt like the millionth time. he just wanted to be let go. he wanted to be free-

"are you kidding me!?" a fist slammed down on the wood of the clipboard harshly, all the shadows in the room backed up at the sudden anger, shying off towards the walls to watch the scene unfold. "they're really letting him go without the results?"

"he said because the last two exams came out clean there wasn't a reason to make him stay."

jimin's lips parted at the words. letting him go? finally? finally he would be free from this horrid place he's been trapped in for who even knows how long? "i-i can go?"

namjoon closed his eyes, his jaw slowly clenching and unclenching while he bowed his head, trying his best to get his emotions under control. he didn't like this one bit. nothing about this felt like the okay thing to do. ever since he'd gotten to know jimin more, he'd be replaying every conversation in his head. the time jimin cried to him about his hallucinations, the time he completely shut him down, the time jimin somehow mustered up a strength impossible of his own body, the day jimin 'admitted' it was all an act for attention. it wasn't adding up. if he could turn back the time and do all he could that first time he talked about jungkook, he would. but now it was too late.

"congratulations jimin," although he tried his best to be professional, namjoon couldn't help the sour tone laced in his deep voice. "you're going to be released today."

'what does this mean'

'back to the boring apartment now'

'i wonder what's gonna happen'

even with all the whispering surrounding him, jimin could only hear a single noise. his beating heart. finally he could leave this place in the past. he could leave all these awful people to rot here in these white walls by themselves with their fake smiles and their fake care. the organ in his chest pounded away loudly, echoing in his eardrums. finally, everything would be over soon.

i'm finally back to writing! hope whoever stuck around to read this (if anyone) enjoys and looks forward to my new upcoming books (:

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