Iris Are Beautiful

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After a month...

"Lady, it's time to take a bath. His Highness is waiting for you at the porch", Min Soo informed. Nari went down her bed and opened her window. It's nearly snowy season. "Min Soo, why is this flower not withering? It's nearly winter", Nari asked. Min Soo covered Nari's body with another layer of robe. "It's cold, you'll catch cold", Minsoo smiled. She gently pushed the lady at her bathing area. The huge wooden thub is already filled with hot water. There are also herb making the water smell good. Some female servant are standing at the side. "I can bathe myself, Min Soo. You can tell them to take a break", Nari slightly gave a smile. "They have to apply some scrubbing at your back and also apply other herbs", Min Soo never gets tired explaining. The guy went out and the female servant are already prepared.

"Your hair is way too silky", Hana, one servant commented. She's one of the villager that Nari saved at the Earth tribe. "Lady, I will be applying the herbs at your back. It will sting but you have to bear it", Yura, another girl from the hostaging at the Sei Border. Yura feel the pity looking at Nari's messed back. It was full of scars and also a recent wound was there. "That's not even an inch comparing to what pain really is", Nari said while dipping her fingers in the water and playing with the rose petals. "But there's already an improvement", Yura tried to encourage. "Lady, if this is the only thing we can do for you, please allow us", Hana said while washing Nari's hair. "Thank you for saving us", Yura seconded. "That's how human is. We cannot expect people to help us unless we help them in the first place,right?", Hana tried to open a conversation. "You're wrong Hana. There would be times that you can become really reckless....not because you're expecting people to return what you've done for them. There are times that you just lose yourself because you hate watching people being oppressed", Nari informed. "Seems like... whoever did opress you this hard... is to be blame", Yura gently rub the herbs at her back. "There is no one to blame, Yura. If there is someone I could blame for my misfortune... it will be myself. It would be my weakness. That's why I  decided to be strong", Nari gave a weak smile. "That's why you guys also have to be strong. It's not that hard to make Min Soo notice you... geez", Nari teased. Both girls flushed.


"The Xing Kingdom is also trying to have fight with us", Judo informed. "Xing? I remembered that Father was able to take some provinces from place. We cannot make further attacks since we don't know any information. I'll be collecting some information at the capital", Soo Won said. Judo heard footsteps and saw Nari behind. She already lost some weight. Her skin is getting paler as the days pass. It's such a waste for Judo to see a great warrior turn to be this weak sick girl. "I'll be patrolling", Judo excused himself. "Don't leave. I don't want to have another useless conversation with this airhead", Nari held on the sleeves of Judo. "You can't even grab on my hand properly. Just keep still and gain strength", Judo said then left.

Nari sat opposite to Soo Won. Nari noticed his direction of sight. He was looking at the pavilion where he gave Yona a gift. "Does that place ring you a memory?", Nari asked while pouring tea in Soo Won's cup. "You'll be taking another drink from that drug today. Sorry that we can't still figure out what to do. For now, concentrate on being healthy", Soo Won said while still staring at the same area. "I also hope an antidote for this poison will be found. Not merely for me. I've seen so much people addicted to this drug. Once the victim stop drinking nadai for straightf two months, it's a painful consequence that will follow. Our body burns really hot and we get painful headaches", Nari informed. "That's why I am going to help find that solution. Your Highness, don't be afraid to make me as a testing experiment", Nari gave a bow in her head. Soo Won looked at her with eyes opened wide. "It's okay, your highness. I've been through a lot of poisoning before. Trust me... I've become immuned to them. That's why, don't be scared. Entrust the antidote to me. I heard that Xing is acting up. There are also some matters to look at. I will no longer be so selfish. I will live for Hye and His Highness. That's why... you can smile like before again. I missed it", Nari smiled.

"Humans are reflection. If you want them to smile and live happily, you also have to show it to them. That way, they will follow you".

Thank you, Zeno.

Palace Kitchen

Nari walked around. "I'm still in awe everytime I walk here", Nari jawdropped. "Is there something you want to eat?", Hana asked. "We can get it for you", Yura's eyes brightened. "Why are you here with me?", Nari had a poker face. "Oh, Lady Nari, Hana, Yura... is there something I can do to help?", Min Soo asked. Nari looked at the two and sighed. "Hana and Yura actually wanted to learn some chores here. Can you show them around?", Nari asked. The two girls cried. "You're too nice, Lady Nari. We'll carry this in our grave", Yura and Hana said in unison. Nari chuckled and proceeded at the main cook area.

"Woah. You've been promoted for just a few days", Nari teased Hye. "Sick people shouldn't be walking around. Why?", Hye asked while chopping carrots. "I want to buy something at the capital market. His Highness told me not to walk alone. I'm wondering if you could give me accompaniment?", Nari said while balancing a knife at the tip of her fingers. "Okay. Wait for me", Hye nodded.


Hye told me to wait but he's taking his time.

"Nari?", a familiar voice made Nari turned to her. ""Lady Lili. It's good to see you here. Also, I'm glad that you are no longer in exile", Nari sighed. "Same here. After that incident at Sei, I was really scared. I never shivered like that for my entire life", Lili remembered. "It's just a nightmare. We're already awake now. What book are you trying to look for?", Nari asked. "Well, I'm quite bored my place. Want to visit sometime? I actually want to learn how to play the harp skillfully", Lili said excitingly. "Why not? For now, I need to fatten up", Nari raised the sleeve of her robe. "Get stronger. I know Yona and the rest will also say that", Lili patted her shoulder. "Thank you Lili... oh.. Lady Lili", Nari chuckled. "Loose the lady. We're friends", Lili pouted. "Friends... right? Thank you. Looking forward in listening to your musical skill. I heard from Yona that you're not really good at anything", Nari teased. "Look at that words", Lili retaliated. Nari kept teasing her and laughing.

Capital Market...

"You're going to buy what?!", Lili asked while the three of them are walking down the town. "Painting materials. Clothe and sewing stuffs. I'll need to buy another flute. I gave Jae Ha the old one", Nari informed. "You got a lot of free time", Lili sighed. "What can I do? If I don't move, I'll die easier", Nari chuckled. They ended up in one shop. It was lonely and there is someone crying. After a while, there was a voice telling the child to stop crying.  "I heard that some soldier in the border line were attacked again and few died", Lili informed. Nari entered the house. "Hey, don't you just barging anywhere!", Hye shouted. The three of them are inside the shop. Nari went close and carried the child next to the mother. The child was crying. Nari played the flute in one hand. "It's great right?", Nari asked the child. Since the child cannot speak, he just giggled. "I think he's hungry", Nari said. "Get out of here!!! Don't come barging on other people's house", the Mom shouted. "I wasn't going to come here if I haven't heard the child crying", Nari said then gave the child some candy. "Madam, we all lost some people in the span of our lives but we shouldn't forget those that are still with us", Nari gave the child to the mother to carry. "He's still so young. He needs a strong mother who would look at the one who's existing and not the one who's dead. I feel sorry for your husband but he did a great job taking care of this nation for you and the child", Nari gave a bow then left.

She's the one to talk. Her mother didn't even give any touch of love to her. She's a mere replacement of a dead son.

"Nari?", Hye called out to her. "I know what you're thinking old man... but I'm not depressed over that any more", Nari said while walking away.

Chapter End...

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