Jesus joins isis

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Today I saw Jesus packing he's bag it looked like he's going on a adventure I walked over to him and ask hey homie where you heading he replied I'm off to join isis with my grandma I asked where's ya grandma he said oh shes dead she died trying so a backflip on a pogo stick the old crippled hoe I said why you joining isis Jesus said because there's nothing to do in Antarctica I sold some drugs, bashed some granny's and friends and made Ronald Mc fuckin Donald my pet I said you could just go to Australia and be a bogen drink beers with thongs on and a bucket hat should be great mate Jesus said fuck that that's hard I rather go join isis meet some people kill some people run away from some people you know just some classic hide and seek you should come I said nah I don't wanna join isis I'm gonna become a living breathing chair it's gonna be great Jesus replied coolies I said what the fuck it wrong with you that word is fucken gay use kewl bananas you dumb Jew looking hobo pennywiggle ass hair Jesus said no need for the mean comments oh shit he's my ride laters I looked and the fucking long haired hoe was getting picked up in a fucken tank I didn't know Jesus knew people like that he's probably gonna get raped oh well I'll find another Jesus in my bin

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