Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I kissed Christians forehead softly before turning around. "Grab my waist but do not attack unless I say so, do you understand." I spoke sternly, I knew he wasn't completely there but in a protective stance. He slipped his arms around me and opened his wings slowly. In front of me was chaos Kaia had her vines wrapped around the alpha. He had spit foaming at his mouth as he snapped at me. "Alpha Connan you are unfit for your title.

And with Diana's guidance I revoke your claim to the Silver moon pack." my voice grew deep and the ground shook. Kaia pulled her vines back as the alpha fell to his knees. He let out a howl of pain that continued until it died into a man's whimpers. His wolf dissolved before our eyes and a naked Connan lay before us. Power swirled at my fingertips, turning in Christian's arms I looked at Jake who was currently holding glitter. "This is soon but it's your destiny." I spoke with clarity "Come forward Jake Silver and Glitter of the coven Sliver, You are young but wise beyond your years.

I have watched your souls live and love for millennia's. You have never turned your back on someone in need. And your pack needs you weather they are ready or not. Kneel" I was no longer speaking and I could feel Diane's powers cursing threw my veins. Jake instantly dropped to his knees, hard enough I thought he might have broken something. Glitter was a little more grace full. I slipped out of Christians grasp.

Standing in front of the pair I placed my hands on their shoulders. "Raise the new Alpha and Luna of the Silver Moon Pack" My voice was loud as Jake and Glitter stood and the twins both bowed their heads. Turning to the naked fool on the ground I stepped back into the safety and warmth of Christian's wings. "You are nothing more than a wolf without a wolf." I could feel that the goddess had left and I was alone in my body again. The man coward under my shadow as I leaned down. "You are lucky the goddess just removed your wolf. It could have been worse. Diane says his fate is in your hands and she knows you will make the right decision" I spoke to Jake at the end.

Hearing a cough I turned to see Mr. Gold standing by the door with his brow arched. "Hmmmm what an interesting series of events. Well I guess we better head back to the school and fix all of this" Mr. Gold waved his hand at all of us. Turning in Christians arms I snuggled into his chest. He seemed to have calmed down greatly, his breathing and heart beat returning to its usual rhythm. Looking up I noticed the veins had disappeared and his eyes return to their usual green. "Faye im...." I shook my head.

"We can talk later" I whispered before stepping out of his embrace and back with my friends. Mr. Gold looked at Christian "I'll meet you in my office. And Jake please watch your email as your class schedule will be changing tomorrow." With that said Mr. Gold left the destroyed dinner. I turned to our group of friends and offered a small smile. "Hi" I waved a little and let out a nervous laugh. "We are going to take the rest of the day off." Jake said as he looked down at his father. My heart ached for him because he stood in such a difficult state.

He was now responsible for his entire pack. The pack would know there has been a shift in power but until they see Jake will be panicking. "I understand, take your time to settle the pack, I will tell Mr. Gold." Christian nodded his head. "Okay enough of this gussy shit. It's cold here and I'm ready to go home." Laisrén stated crossing his arms. "It would help if you wore a shirt." Jynx snapped at him. Looking at my Familiars I smiled "Thank you guys for being there for me. It means so much to me." I spoke with tears filling my eyes. The adrenaline finally finished its course thru my body and leaving me shivering.

Ami shook his head "Of course Faye. We took an oath and we would lay down our lives for you." He walked over to me and grasped my face softly. I smiled and kissed both his cheeks before he flashed his brilliant smile before disappearing in smoke. Next was Jynz he walked over and placed a kiss on my cheek before he melted into nothing. Kaia stepped up but looked relocked to leave. "I'm okay hun. I promise it'll be okay. And I'll call on you soon" I attempted to reassure her but at her age she treated me more as a daughter.

She may look like a 24 year old but she is almost as old as the earth. She kissed the top of my head "I expect it." She growled as she crumbled to the ground. I shook my head she was just so protective. Laisrén looked at me with a wicked smirk as he stepped in front of me. "Hey love want me to take you home?" he asked playing with a piece of my hair. Shaking my head I smiled "No its okay ill ride with the guys" as I said this I realized they had one more person then before and I was really not going to fit. "I'll take her home" Christian spoke up stepping closer. I could feel the heat and slight irritation rolling off of Christian.

I rolled my shoulders as the fire lord stepped closer. "What if she'd rather go with me" he lean down so we were perfectly at eye level. "Do you want to come with me?" he spoke softly, his warm breathe fanned my face. I couldn't help the blush that crept up my neck. I knew his words were a double ended sword. I felt a gust of wind as I was pulled back and into Christian's wings.

"Hey why did yo-" I was cut off as he spun me around and smashed his lips to mine. Without a second thought I kissed him back, forgetting about where we were or what we had been doing. My mind fogged as I took in the kiss. It felt so right like I was breathing for the first time. Christian smiled and I pulled back to look at him. With hooded eyes I slowly took in the angel in front of me. "You'll come with me" it wasn't a question it was a statement, one that sent a rush thru my body. I nodded my head as he turned me to face his wings.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me flush to his chest before snapping his wings open. Laisrén was standing right in front of us and still smirking. I was still dizzy from the kiss that I didn't even have a moment to register why he was smirking.

"Payment time" he said as he stepped into my space. He placed a hand on the back of my neck making me look up at him before he captured my lips. Warmth flooded my body making me melt into the two boys. I had never been in a situation like this and it gave me a confusing rush of emotions. He licked my lips asking for me to open my mouth but before I could react he was gone. I opened my eyes and the fire lord was gone.

Taking a moment I scanned the destroyed dinner. We were the only ones left, the Jakes car was gone too. "I guess they left." I said but Christian remained silent. "Common" I stepped out of his arms and grabbed his hand to guide him outside. There was a small group of humans standing to the side either on their phones of recording us. "You freaks destroyed my life's work. All of you should be locked up and the key thrown out" an older man with a greased apron yelled at us. I walked down the steps and heard the roar of the group. Ignoring all of them I stopped and turned to look at the dinner.

Sirens could be heard in the distance. "We have to go" Christian said to me trying to tug me off. "Not yet" I bared down and clenched my jaw. Concentrating on the building its self I pulled on the strings of its reality. Lifting my right arm as pieces of the building slowly started to move back into place. I could feel the sweat growing on my brow, lifting my left arm as I strained to pull the last of the piece. "Christian?" I asked as black spots started to form in my vision. "Yes, Faye?" I felt the warmth of him stepping closer to my back.

"Im going to need you to catch me" and no sooner had the words left my mouth I fell. Looking up I smiled at Christian. My vision had narrowed to a small tunnel but I felt him scoop me up. He made me feel tinny in his arms. I closed my eyes, laying my head on his shoulder. Christian snapped his wings out and the crowd gasped. "You gasp at the angel but not the teenage girl that made the building fly" I grumbled. His chest rumbled with laughter as I slowly faded into unconsciousness.

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